Pages on blog to come...(or not)

Playclothes repair showcase!!

Hello everyone.
As I get back into sewing more, I'd thought I'd start showing you more of the garments I repair for Playclothes Vintage. I continue to do a lot of repairs for them from the 1800s to the late 60s. It's quite amazing seeing all the garments that come through their doors.

Some lovely pictures of my vintage neighborhood.

Hello lovely people. 

The weather has been overcast here leading to some evenly lit days. Often, when I'm walking Brian, I look around y neighborhood at all the cool 30s and 40s architecture from the old Hollywood days.

Animated Memphis!

No Vintageville Today. I'd been working on this Memphis test. She's not doing any particular moves, Im just testing her parts. I need to find a voice for her. :)

Catalog Sunday

More Montgomery Wards fashions from 1940/41

Life Status Update

Hey everyone.

Thought I'd give you all an update on my situation. As it stands, hundreds of applications later, I am still jobless. Apparently I'm not even qualified enough to sell dresses at Bloomingdale's. I'm so crestfallen about it (scarcest).

So…I guess I'm just riding this out until I crash and burn. I'm constantly looking for a job, like so many others i know, and I *think* I have enough for rent this month, so if you are holding back on a repro pattern, now is the time, let me tell ya!

Everything is still so up in the air, so I'm just trying to hold out, particularly one more month. See what happens as I slog through this mess of crappy job applications.

I'm really sad that I can't afford Viva this year. I was gonna enter the swimsuit contest. Ah well.

Okay everyone. I'm really, really gonna start back to sewing. I promise. Give me a bit more time and I'll get back to it.

Talk with you all later!

Catalog Sunday

This Sunday it's fall/winter Montgomery Wards 1940/41
AND happy Daylight Saving Time!!

Catalog Sunday

Sorry its so late. I really needed to clean the house first :)