Pages on blog to come...(or not)

Tips to make you a quality sewer.

I was asked to be a contributor to the plus size blog, The Curvy Sewing Collective.
Here is my cross post.

Hello lovely people.

You know over the years I have primarily focused my skill set on vintage sewing and all the tips and tricks that sewing 'old school' can offer. Paying attention to detail, taking your time, and just feeling out the quality of your work is a given. Often we find ourselves so hyped up in finishing our projects that we don't take the time to, 'smell the roses' of the progress. It is often that progress, or journey, that lends itself to great discoveries in how you go about doing your sewing.

Hair Post 2014: Hair foolery pt 2

I got some hot sticks about two years ago from a beauty swap that I never used. I had some old products in my cabinet that I haven't used in a long time so I decided to play with my hair, something I really don't do.

I wanted to see how my hair would react to the heat and which product would be best. I've hot pressed my hair before, I just don't like using too much heat on it as I'm pretty content with how it acts naturally.

Hair Post 2014: Hair foolery pt 1

Hello lovely people.

I get messages from time to time - Which reminds me, should I do a Q&A?
If so, send me messages via email or Facebook. :)

Vintageville #33

Yay, Vintageville is back! Please share and spread this comic. Thanks!!