Pages on blog to come...(or not)

My 2015 year end assessment as mostly told through pictures of Brian.

Hello lovely people.

This year has been a real hard one, as I'm sure so many people have had. A lot of struggle and hopelessness and so many "what ifs" going on in my brain.

Catalog Sunday

Hey everyone!
Work is work, and I haven't had much time to sew, but I have a few projects that I CAN talk about that I'm going to be digging into soon. In the mean time, I take it footwear fabulousness will suffice?

Montgomery Wards, 1940.

Catalog Sunday: Birthday Edition

Hi lovelies. This Catalog Sunday I thought I'd post some seriously coveted fashions by yours truly. If I had the time, means and place to wear these amazing pieces, I'd be all over that shit.

Lane Bryant 1931
All about details!