Pages on blog to come...(or not)

Newvintagelady 2018 in review.

Not gonna lie, this was a really, really tough year for me. Socially, work wise, and my dog died. That took a lot out of me and I don't see 2019 getting any better but hope and all that, right!?


Catalog Sunday

Got a hodge-podge of stuff for Catalog Sunday this Sunday.
Sears summer 43

1960s Wedding Dress Recreation: pt 2 Making the Dress, and that Fabric, yo!

Behold! The most expensive fabric I've ever worked with!
I believe this is a Lyon type of lace. All I know is that it's french.

This is the fabric for the sleeves and the bodice. When I discovered it, I sent a pick to my friend, and she LOVED it, until we both saw the price. It was in the glass case, after all. I should have known...

Catalog Sunday

This Sunday I have Butterick 1940.

1960s Wedding Dress Recreation: pt 1 Drafting the Pattern

Look at us, ain't we cute!

This picture is over....13years old, I'd guess. That's me and all my round face adorableness, and that gal with the blue arrow is Kristen. We started out as sales associates in the Apple store so many, many years ago, and like so much of my Apple family, we've kept in touch.

She even came to visit with her two sons one day as the fam was making a cross California vacation. Ah, good times.

Catalog Sunday

This Sunday I have National Bella Hess, 1938