Pages on blog to come...(or not)

Where I am in 2019

Hi all. I sincerely hope your 2019 is going well.
If you remember, I didn't have the best last year, and made a vow to make the new year a better experience for me with the power I have to change it as much as I can. I can say this, so far I feel like I'm trying to move a mountain but it's made of sand.

One thing I realize is that I am utterly, overwhelmingly invisible. What I mean by that is people see me, my work, my contributions, and they enjoy them, but there is rarely an inclination to share that enjoyment with others.

It's something I've noticed for years, especially on this page and on my illustration page. Getting people to tell other people about the work of mine they enjoy is a herculean feat. I felt that really badly when I was doing my web comic, Vintageville. I'd get private messages about how they loved it, loved the drawing and stories but when I said thanks so much, can you share it, nothing. 

I mean this is the one time in my life where "exposure" of my work is really needed LOL

I'm at a standstill professionally right now. I may be at the brink of legal action with something, and I have just abandoned another project for my sanity. Neither situation I want to be in or want to have it go the way it's going, but I'm hurting, mentally and financially from other's use and abuse of me professionally.

So I've made some decisions.
First, I want to start to solely work on my own content and just filter out the need to work for someone else. It's a struggling vine, I know, but I'm gonna lose my mind with stomach pains and crying every night if I don't do this.

That's where you all come in.

I implore you, urge you, beg you, share my content. If you made something from one of my current NVL patterns, make a post about it or rate it on a board somewhere. If I've made a garment for you, recommend me to a friend. Promoting myself can only go so far, honestly. I can only have so many social media sites, so many web pages, and so many blogs. There is only so much one person in a 500sq/ft apartment can do while chasing rent and scraping enough money together so the electricity does not get cut off. 

Thanks all and have an amazing weekend!

Here is a picture of Virginia in a costume I made for her!

***Self Promotion***



Virginia_belles_wardrobe  More pics of Virginia costumes!



The Kevin-John is available!

Hi all,
My new pattern, The Kevin-John is available for PDF in my etsy store.
If you wouldn't mind sharing it around the tubal interwebs, I would greatly appreciate it.
Sharing is caring!

I'm prepping the paper patterns for the printer now and those should be available by the end of the month.

Thanks so much for the support. On to more pattern making!