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First time at Disneyland.

My friend Jen called me up on the Monday after I began to recover from my Queen Mary weekend and said, "We're going to Disneyland at 10 am. Be ready"


We met up with another friend, Eric, and both being long time DLand goers were determined to show me everything that was the coolest. I got in free because Eric knows someone who works there and he got us in. Jen is a pass holder.

The weather was slighted to rain but it was cloudy, cool and near the end bright and blue.

Perfect for an amusement park because it kept the lines away. We got there at 11am and were able to go on ten rides by 6pm. Then there was the parade where the theme as 'celebrate you'.

I tell ya, it was the biggest amount of cheese Id had in a long time, but it was fun. I made silly faces all day. Jen like taking a LOT of pictures. I even got one of those 'first time' buttons from the town hall. Its a fun I think I could max out on perhaps 3 times a year. I dont see how people can go 3 times a week. To them I say, kudos.


  1. oh to see disney through the eyes of a virgin - how fun!!

  2. Yeah, apparently that is a BIG thing. They kept mentioning that and pointing out newbies they saw that were wearing their buttons.
