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MnM 2014: Plaid is the new relax (whatever that means)

Hello, lovely people.

I spent all morning cleaning the apartment. Mopping and throwing away the last of the cat things that could be thrown away. The place seems a bit empty without a bit of fur running around.

My friend did send me these, which I thought were so nice and coincidently match my apartment splendidly. Thank you, Lisa.

I did a couple loads of much needed laundry, cleaning the area rugs and some lady garments too. I also realized I have in total 3 pairs of lounging pants un-tattered in my wardrobe. That will not do.

I took to the cutting table and started on my first pair. Now, I make these for the most part to just sleep in and keep me warm in the winter (which is coming up), but these don't have to be immaculate. That said, it is plaid, and I do take their challenge.

This weave is kinda loose, so the grain was on the slant when I folded it in half. I didn't want to spend an hour straightening up the fabric via the selvage, so I did the best I could and cut.

Ain't too shabby. The pockets were a fluke and I threw them on there. Can't have pants with no pockets. I think that's in the constitution somewhere. These are gonna be great for snuggling on the couch with Brian watching Korean Dramas when it gets cold.

Also…as I was putting away laundry, I remembered these on the shelf.
This is yardage from a wedding I went to a while ago. Most of the fabric has stretch, which is why I didn't use it for anything, but for sleeping stuffs, it's just fine.

The bottom is corduroy and the top is a medium twill. Perhaps I'll dye them. Perhaps not. In any account, I have some cool fabric to play with and I don't have to use my vintage fabric for the rough and tumble lounge wear (well, perhaps I'll use it as an accent).

Getting super excited now! Super excited.
Who are you all doing with the MnM?
Talk to you later!!


  1. I need to take my jamas apart and rebuild. This is a project of sadness I have more fun things to work on (including paid work) that just calls me more, but a Make and Mend is crucial to sewing happiness. So, I will work this one out.

  2. James has a pair of pajama pants in the mending pile. This might be the kick in the rear I need to fix them. As for my own pajamas, well, I need to make a few pairs but not until next year. I'm sorry to hear about your cat, losing a pet is so sad. At least you have Brian to help make you feel better.
