Pages on blog to come...(or not)

People still draw? Thats so vintage!

Im redrawing the illustrations to my repro pattern line as you all are well aware. Like on NVL, Im using the cartoon version of me that I call 'the Lady'. Its not an ego trip or anything. I dont know, she just comes out when Im working on these. Shes way cooler than me anyway.

I thought you all would get a kick out of seeing my drawing process.

First I start with the initial sketch from whatever is in my head. I tend to like this one the most because it generally has the most movement (animator in me). I often write notes and stuff to remember my train of thought over a particular passage of a drawing.

The second sketch is more refined where I get proportions, weight and the like more finalized. Sometimes this step can go two or even three drawings.

The third is a finished line drawing in graphite where the line work is solid and even. Its a first scan into the old computing machine, where I piece together the image if it was too large to scan in one pass.

Fourth is a clean up of the lines, a bump in contrast, and an overall brightening of the line work.

The final is color and shading.

This method is sort of a casual way of drawing for me. All in all an image will take roughly 3-5 hours, depending on complication. I generally just pop in a movie or put on the old headphones and hammer it out.

Fun fun!


  1. I love your illustrations! I can totally see you in them... wish I had your skills!

  2. Thanks for sharing. It is always interesting to see one's process and progress on a project as such... Especially when it's a project I have no skill at! :)

  3. Wow! That's really fascinating how it is done! Love the title to this post too :-)

  4. I had to stop by an say I am loving your blog!!!

  5. You have awesome illustrations. I wish I had a tablet so I could draw on my computer but I don't, so I just plug along the old-fashioned way all the way through!

  6. Thanks everyone! I appreciate the comments, its so hard for an artist to get people to look at their work.

