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1940s dress conclusion

Im finally finished. I cant believe these dresses took an entire week.

I even did the crazy 40s shoulder pads.

I finished the belts this morning, what a perfect touch!

I freggin love this pattern. Its going to be my new day dress pattern. I love it, and it worked out fantastically. LOVE it! These will be perfect for my event this coming weekend!

More images of each dress on NVL.


  1. They're both great but I especially love the plaid one. It looks amazing with the red buttons and belt buckle.

  2. Really lovely dresses.

  3. Wow! I like the orange and blue one, but the one with plaid is just amazing! I think the pattern has gone onto my list. :)

  4. You made these TWO dresses in a WEEK! Wow! And I have trouble even getting started. Now I'm embarrassed, but you really are inspiring.

  5. I love your dresses, especially the navy/checks one :) I'm feeling very inspired!

  6. These are fantastic! Love the collars and the buttons.

  7. Wow! These are amazing! the pattern is fantastic!

  8. Stunning! Loooove the belts and the shoulder pads.

  9. Thanks everyone! I love the plaid one, as was the master plan from the start of the process.

    I tell ya, this pattern is wonderful. Im looking through my pattern stash now to see what else I can make!

    And Cinquefoil, it normally takes me 10-12 hours to make a dress depending on now I brake up my days. I just had different things going on throughout the week that I couldn't just sit down and knock them out.

  10. Both of these are gorgeous. Your fabric combinations are perfect and you found the right buttons and buckles. Very inspiring.

  11. After seeing this on the lounge I needed a double dose. I'll be heading over to etsy to find your repro. I'll also be crossing my fingers to look as good as you when I make it.

  12. They are both amazing dresses. I wish I worked at your speed!

  13. I love what you've done with the plaid inset panels on the navy dress! Lovely work!

  14. I loved the black one on you on the QM. Was stunning :)
