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30s Suit Progress 2

Here are some pics of the jacket and the front of the dress.

Things are going great, and all I have to sew by machine are the velvet cuffs of the jacket. All the rest will be done by hand. So I have a couple of hours of hand sewing left.

I really like the bound button hole. I had finally memorized how to do them! I even folded the velvet facing on the inside so that its exposed from the front closure. Just a little bit of coolness.

The only mistake I made was the sleeve. I cut it wrong but I added a small gusset and all was well.

So this evening will be hemming and the like. Ill also add shoulder pads to the dress.
All of this is getting ready for this Saturday and the vintage Queen Mary event. Im doing a talk on how to incorporate vintage techniques into your sewing. Ill also teach how to read unprinted patterns, and a couple of other things.

Its going to be fun, and Im going to look cool.


  1. Oh, this suit is going to be so lovely! Those colors look terrific together :)

  2. Ah, that looks fab! My boyfriend is a tailor and he does an awful lot of handwork - takes him longer but the end result is amazing!

  3. this jacket is looking fantastic, i'm a huge fan of pleats and tucks and the fabric combination is just gorgeous. can't wait to see it all finished.

  4. I hope we'll see some pics of you at the event, too!

  5. I admire your work, it's very inspiring. Those colors work so well together. Good luck with the presentation!

  6. Thanks everyone.

    The final of the jacket has turned out pretty good, although later Im going to redo the sleeves after the event. I altered the sleeves for the dress but apparently forgot to alter the jacket sleeves and Im getting pulls at the sides I DONT like. Duh me.

    Ah well, sewing is a process...

  7. Oh I LOVE this!
