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July is Make & Mend Month!

Make & Mend is extended through August!!

Happy July everyone!
Turns out this month is going to be a scary tight one money wise for me. More so than oh...all year. Ha! It got me thinking, in a sad attempt by me to do anything awesome, perhaps its a good time to start a sew-along.

The theme is Make & Mend. The guidelines are as follows:

*Use fabric you already have for any new project.
*Alter a current pattern for a new garment.
*Repair/Mend 3 things from your ‘fix’ pile.
*Repurpose at least one piece of fabric.
*Make something for someone else.

That's it! Simple enough, right? I invite everyone to join me! Get creative, invite all your sewing friends and spread the word! I'd love to see blogs a fire with awesome stuff! I've also created a flickr group so you can post pictures of works in progress and the like. If you are interested in participating, reply to this post and/or place the banner on your blog. Let's inspire each other!

Go team!

From my Make and Mend Booklet:


  1. Hmmm great idea. Shall dust off my to-do list and haul out the stash. I also have a big fix-it pile! Lets see how much I can get done.

  2. Sounds like a great idea. I'm in!

    May I use your pic from your Make and Mend book?

  3. I'll give it a try. We are buying a new home this month and $$$ will be very tight for us as well...I have lots of stash and it should be no problem, if I can find the time, to put something together for this.

  4. Oh dang. I was hoping someone else was going to get to my pile of mending! My husband needed a sleeve seam sewed up the other day and I said, "put it on the stack," and he added, "and never see it again." I feel like my sewing time is so little that when I take the time to mend I don't get to the new projects I want to start.

  5. Ha, I just posted today about finally starting to sew my wedding gown - made from my Granny's 1949 wedding gown. I think that counts on two levels, the reusing of fabric AND the 40s theme! Though I seriously doubt I'm going to finish during July!!

  6. LOL... I think I can fit right in with this theme... I have three pairs of jeans to mend, a skirt and several shirts to be refashioned into dresses - for my daughter, I have to re-draft the pattern for at least one of the dresses because it is too small for her now, and I have a HUGE stash to work from...

  7. Cool! Thanks everyone.
    Ha, I thought the mend principle would hit home to some people. WE all have mending piles, I think this would give us motivation to work them down some.

  8. I love your blog (thanks fedora lounge for directing me.)

    Since I just put myself on a self imposed fabric fast (no buying new fabric till I knock out most of my stash) this sew along couldn't come at a better time!

    Thanks for the great idea!


  9. Wow, three things from the mending pile is a big ask, I've been cultivating that for years, carefully not doing more than 1 item every 6 months so it grows rather than shrinks... hehehe.

    Great plan, do we choose from the list or aim to tick off everything?

  10. wow... ehm.. i don't know what to say... considering it ususally takes a full month (sometimes longer) to make one dress- i'm afraid to join in on this sew-along and not finish. and my to- do pile has more become like an old friend who is there to greet me when i come home, hehe. :) but i'm oh so intrigued and i'm wondering if i'm up to this challenge???

  11. Yay! Now I know each and everyone of you are capable of completing everything on the list. Come on you all, we can do it!

  12. Oh, I want to participate! Even though I've got more than enough sew-along things going on, plus my regular life :D
    However, for Self-Stitched September I do have a couple of pieces I want to alter/fix up so I'll actually wear them, and this might be the ticket. It could really work out because with my summer class I don't have enough time to sew whole projects like I want to.

  13. Count me in! :)

  14. I'm in too! Maybe I'll finally finish my 1940 blouse!

  15. I am just getting back into sewing. This is the nudge I need. I am in.


  16. I am so in on this. I have a pile of at least 10 items that need to be repaired, as well as a stash so big, it should be included in our home insurance. I think this will give me the motivation I need to get up and sewing. Thanks for this great idea.

  17. I love this idea - and I adore the image from your booklet and your banner. I would love to put the banner on my blog...but don't know how to!

  18. Here we go... I have accepted your challenge! It doesn't look quite so daunting as I first thought and I'm looking forward to doing it :-)

  19. i like the idea, the banner looks great! i Shall be joining the journey.

  20. Lovely everyone! I created a Flickr group, and Ill post more info on that in a few days.

    Yay sewing!

  21. I think I'll join in with this- I have a lovely bed sheet that I'm planning to turn into a dress.

  22. Perfect! I am repurposing a 1930s apron for an apron swap I am in and this will be a good kick in the butt to get it done this month.

    Count me in!

  23. Extended through August?! Hurray!!
    I found you just in time..was a tad sad I had missed it in July and the forces that be have had you extend it through August..bless your heart, count me in!!

  24. Yay! Hope everyone is doing great in their projects!

  25. Thanks for extending MnM into August because July was full of non-sewing activities. So far, I have altered a jacket for my beau by removing an odd cuff detail and adding much needed shoulder pads; hemmed a pair of summer weight house pants that had been on the mend pile for a month; made a pencil skirt from existing fabric.

  26. Just came across this site! Thank goodness you extended it, I hope i'm not too late to join in!


  27. Finished 2 of 3 mends and Yeah!! to extending the time frame as I was feeling a bit rushed. One more mend but I might have to make it two as I had a problems with a dress on Saturday. Here is a link
