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The beauty of simplicity: progress.

I am loving this dress.

I can't stop thinking about it. I would have finished it last night but I took a nap and woke up too late to work on it.

So far so good. One thing I took into consideration while working on it was how I was going to do the gathers. The front bodice, front skirt, and back bodice all have them, but as in the picture, they are rather soft and loose. If I were to do them by machine (via a basting stitch) combined with the thickness of the fabric, I thought they would be too tight.

I decided to do a running stitch by hand at all the gathered points and I'm glad I did. I love the softness of the look.

I did have one largish mistake.

I cut the armholes on the bodice a bit too low, so I just added a piece. I think it makes a rather cute design element.

Another challenge was the decision to use a zipper on the front bodice. I have this vintage Talon that I wanted to use but the more I looked at it, the more concerned I got. I didn't want to alter the zipper in any way (cut it down) and it was a bit longer than I wanted so I came up with the decision to run it down the whole front. Turns out the zipper isn't long enough to also have it serve as the hip opening to get into the dress, so I didn't have to adjust the front to use it, which made my job a bit easier.

I took the bands that I made an sewed them to the front, then bumping them up to the zipper teeth, I did a whip stitch to hold the opening in place.

I pinned the zipper to the back then flipped it over and re-pinned the front.

Got out my zipper foot, stitched in the ditch of the band, and there you have it.

I did have to do some inside stitching so the flap covering the zipper was not as wide, but thats not too big a deal. The whole thing lays rather well so I'm happy with it.

I do have to add a side zip, but thats fine.

The neckline is looking good as well and once I get the band sewn on, and the sides together Ill do a for real try on.

I'm excited!

1 comment:

  1. Seeing all the separate pieces in this post is making me excited to see the finished product. You always make such beautiful, flattering, and well-tailored garments!
