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Catalog Sunday

This Sunday I have embroidery frocks from Frederick Herrschner Inc. from the summer of 1930.


  1. Posts like these make me wish I had a time machine and about $500 :)

  2. Hi, I'm new here! Love your blog. In this set I especially love the Slenderizing Fashions for Stout Women, which are anything but. hilarious! and Stout?! even funnier.

  3. Stout was a common term for larger women, like the ubiquitous 'plus size' is used today. I actually prefer that term over plus size, less PC.

    As for the fashions not being slenderizing, well, this was from 1930, right at the tail end of the flapper dropped waist phase, so in context Id think they were a bit more flattering, especially since they were cut and tailored to a larger figure.
