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Overalls progress: Progress on the bib.

Nearly complete with the bib to the overalls.
I must say, I am liking the way it's looking.

I pieced the back parts to the front bodice and then tried the whole rough front on Onda.
She likes it.

I did a placement pinning of the back straps and marked them.
The next step was to finish the bib's edges.

Through the whole thing I used a denim thread for the top of the overalls and a thin Gutterman thread for the bobbin. My serger is being fickle with thick fabrics so I ran a ziz-zag stitch around the edges. After that I got out ye old trusty muslin and made some bias tape.

I'm cheap and didn't want to cut clean into the middle of a nice newly washed sheet of muslin so I pieced a lot of smaller scraps. More work, but make and mend and all.

Bias tape is never pretty and this denim really frayed something awful. I knew using the ziz-zag stitch was not going to be enough on this thick weave, and I knew that alone would not hold up to washings. I'm glad I treated the edges and used the tape. I don't think its redundant at all. I'm sure it would have looked better if I used a different color thread, but no one is going to see it but me, so I can live with it.

I then folded under the top of the bias tape and plan to do two rows of top stitching on to complete the look.

I also plan on doing two 'X's to hold the back of the shoulder straps in place.

Once I do all that I'll pick out buttons! Yay buttons!
More to come!


  1. cute! nice fit - i just used x's to secure the straps of my sleeping-cami and they're so cute!

  2. I love these. You're an amazing seamstress and you're so quick! You're productivity is amazing. I aspire to be you ;)

  3. I think it's smart that you rotated some of the shoulder dart to the armhole, that'll be a cleaner fit. Looks very nice! I like the binding.

  4. Hello

    This project looks great! I really like the rounded ends on your strap and lovely topstitching.

    I'm envious - I'm making a pair of overalls to a Decades of Style pattern and I'm having serious fitting issues :(
    I learnt my lesson and will henceforth always make a muslin on new patterns. I hope I can salvage them.

  5. You need a like button to click. I'm really excited about your progress. I've got to get busy. :o)

  6. Thanks everyone! Its coming al along rather well.

    Beth- I generally have to double dart most things anyway. My upper bust is a bit smaller than Onda, and a lot of patterns I make.

  7. Double darts...I've got a 40's blouse pattern that has double waistline darts - it's got an interesting look, but not one I've seen often. Lots of interesting design possibilities there!
