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Still working on my halloween costume.

Things are coming along.

Its been a busy couple of days and long nights of animating for my freelance gig, so not too much progress on the costume, er, dress. But I did manage to take off the sleeves, overlock everything, and fold under and hand sew the BEST hem I've ever done!

Lookit that sexy thing!


All the supplies for my costume arrived in a timely manor and I'm hoping to take some of Friday and Saturday to finish it.

There is some bad news, though.

I don't have enough turquoise velvet to make a cumberbun and bow. Aw fudge. One thing I could do is wait until Saturday when Im going fabric shopping with a friend of mine (wedding stuff) and see if I can just get some new velvet then. That might not be too bad an idea, so I think I'll do that.

The sleeves are coming along fine. Ive added an extra piece for when I make the pleats in the caps of the sleeves. Then Ill turn under the edges line the kick ass hem I did and finished them that way.

One thing I did do was adjust the angle of the shoulder seam in the back of the bodice. I was getting a bit more pucker than I wanted.

I'm running on 4 hours of sleep here. I need a nap.

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