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Vintage Homemaking: Keeping up the living space.

I once had a friend call me the queen of pre-fab. I take that as a compliment. I don't have much real furniture because I find it bulky. No dressers or anything like that, I just have a lot of industrial shelving. I love it and use it for everything. Not vintage, I know, but its easy to transport and customize to a new space. I've had some of the shelving since 2001. My collection has grown since.

I've fashioned a lot of the shelving into a wardrobe where I store most of my clothes. I bought some denim a while ago to use as covers. Keeps the dust off the clothing. In the closet of my apartment I've made a vanity. And yes, that is a kick the Cheat doll on the top shelf.

Well, kind of a vanity. I don't really have space for a make up table, nor would I want one, but those two black shelves I store my jewelry in.

I also decided to reorganize my vintage sewing patterns.

I had recently grown into a fourth box and was just tired of rooting around to search for them. I poured them all out on the floor and organized the by decade.

I also had two friend to help me. One even kept my knee warm as I was sorting.

Once I had them all straightened up, I cut out some labels I made and taped them to the boxes. Now I know what is where and it's so nice! I don't know why I didn't do this sooner.

In the spirit of home organizing I've brought up more scans from my 1003 Household Hints book.



  1. wow! the piano keys and candle tips are good to know! And your dog is adorable (she types as her basset hound sleep-drools on her jammies...)

  2. OK, I am putting my candles in the fridge...

  3. You know, reading this makes me think about the reason we always save up and buy WELL MADE things and then take care of them. We need more things like this now!

  4. Love those household hints, fabulous, people actually looked after things in the past, now if I drawer sticks someone would probably to go Ikea and get a new chest of drawers!

    Your dog is super cute!

  5. For the record: Most of what I'm finding says to *avoid* placing ivory in direct sunlight. (It does say that sunlight will bleach it, apparently it also dries it, and the heat can cause cracking.)

  6. As someone with OCD tendencies, I had to say how much I loved this post!!!
