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It's long sleeve blouse time.

Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!
I'm listening to Nick Cave right now because I feel in the mood for something completely awesome.

Truth be told, I'm still on burn out from that blasted jacket. I kinda hate that I am, too. I didn't expect the recovery time to be this long, but I just don't want to do anything complicated in sewing right now. Yuck.

But it's getting cold, and I got this massive amount of cotton calico from the thrift store (like 6 yards for $4!) so I decided to pick myself up and make a blouse.

I'm using my 40s blouse reproduction because I haven't made it yet and I LOVE the look of it.

It's no where near as complex as that blasted jacket, but it does require thinking and I'm so not up for that now. But you gotta start somewhere, right?

I love it when the sloper darts match up to the pattern. I didn't even have to try on this one!

The good thing is thinking is at a minimum when you have slopers.
I just line the pattern to the sloper and piece accordingly. Its so awesome.

Yay slopers!

Under most circumstances I'd do a mock up, but I've had such success lately
with fitting that I'm gonna risk it with my $4 fabric.

I have everything cut and all I need to do is mark the pieces and overlock them. I'm a bit worried about that. My serger is on it's last leg, and I'm strapped for cash to get a new motor for it. Crap. What am I gonna do!? I guess get an estimate and start saving. Its a five cone with a differential feed, it's worth saving.

There is always something, right :)


  1. Great fabric find! I'm itching to make up some blouses as well! Hope the serger hangs in there.

  2. Well, my serger died :'(
    Gotta start a serger fund!

  3. If it's just the motor, someone on my Treadle On list posted a link to a treadled serger. If you can find some treadle irons for cheap, you could treadle the thing and then you'd be the motor.

  4. Aren't slopers the best? I took a bodice fitting class at G St Fabrics - I would never have been able to do all the adjustments that had to be done to make the damn thing fit me without the fab instructor. There are lots of adjustments when one is tall and an H cup...Now I just have to get motivated to sew something...
