Pages on blog to come...(or not)

Overalls are finished!

Man, nearly a week with no posts. Sorry about that. I lost a freelance gig then got another one that's been taking up my time, and I'm glad for it. Don't get me wrong, I love the sewing, but rent is awesome.

But I did have some time to do some hand sewing.
I stitched the bib to the pants and presto, instant overalls!

I've put the pictures on NVL.

I also put up more images of my tweed beret and my tailored jacket.



  1. Congrats on the new freelance gig! LOVE the overalls...the bodice is such a nice shape! I can imagine these will be super useful to have in the are inspiring me to think about making a pair for myself!

  2. These show off your figure in a way I've not yet seen. Who knew overalls would be so sexy!!

  3. Those look great and the fit is divine. Bravo!

  4. You're entitled. Especially after last week.

  5. Those look fantastic and the palette feels right for the period. Great job!

  6. They look so cool! Now you need to go tinker on an airplane or something. I especially love the button up back.

  7. Holy freaking cow, those are sooooo cute.

  8. Aw, you guys are sweet :)

    Brown denim was quite common in workwear of the 40s, Peter, thats why I chose it. Its not that easy to come by now, though. So when I found some (non lycra) at the fabric store, I jumped on it!

    Plus the gingham blouse is actually made from 40s fabric ;)

  9. I love, love, love these! The bodice shaping is so lovely.

  10. Oh my gosh - these are fabulous, and you look super-cute in them! I've always wanted to make some, but I'm not sure that I could carry them off as well as you do ....

  11. You have down the impossible and made overalls hot! I was convinced there was no way... I guess it's all about the fitting!
