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December Pattern Showcase!

Like, OMG! It's been a year since I've talked to you all!
Like, how does that happen and all?!
Hope everyone had a lovely new year and there
better be more sewing in everyone's future.

I'm not one that uses obituary dates to set goals in my life, but this coming year, I do have some things that I want to concentrate more on.
  • Get a JOB!
  • Finish one of my children's stories.
  • Storyboard two stories I have.
  • Learn to swing dance.
  • Learn After Effects.
  • Move from my current apartment.
Yeah, those are the big ones. I know sewing isn't in that list. I sew a lot already,
I'm pretty caught up with all of that.
But this past month, with it being Christmas AND my birthday
(Dec. 13th: late presents always welcome!),
I treated myself on some new patterns.

A '30s sloper. I thought that was quite interesting. So she's mine now.

This one I bought because of the nurse's uniform. Every year there is a huge vintage event, the LA Air Raid, and for the last two years I've been meaning to go! I'm thinking of going as a nurse, but I'd want to ge the uniform as close as I can. I've been researching black nurses during WWII, and have some great photos.

This dress might be my project for the next few weeks. The Air Raid is in February.

I was really into accessories patterns this month. The one right above I saw a long time ago. It was in a forgotten lot and I thought I bid high enough. You know how that goes... I actually think this is the same pattern. I was comparing screen shots and tears on the envelope are in exactly the same places. It's so strange that happens a lot!

I got this one for the neckline.
Im going to add sleeves and have so much fun with stripes and colors.

My New Years was rather uneventful. I was in bed by 7:30. Slept right through it. I was cool with that. Right now I have some cabbage and potatoes roasting in the oven filling my cold apartment with warmth and yummy smells. Not a bad way to start the new year.

SO what are all of you gearing up to do for this brand new set of 365 days? Any major projects? Classes?



  1. Nice finds! We're probably going to the Air Raid, too... now what to wear. It's a really fun event- probably my favorite vintage event of the year :)
    Nice goals, too! I hope they all come true for you!
    I'm probably getting a job, too... and other than that not sure. I hope I can sew more historical costumes this year :)
    Happy New Year!

  2. Those are a lot of goals! But a year's a long time, so I bet you can do them all! I can't help with most of them, but I'm more than willing to help you get started with swing dancing. Gimme a holler when you're ready.

    I'm getting excited about the Air Raid too, and after the Jane Austen event I'm diving into my outfit for that. Love your nurse idea - I got to wear a vintage nurse uniform for an event last year, and it was really REALLY hard not to take it home with me. ;) We should all definitely make a date for the Air Raid.

    I'm hoping to do more historical sewing this year too, and wear more vintage at swing dances - the last couple year's I've mostly been wearing classic-looking clothing, but I'm kinda ready to go hardcore again.

  3. HOLLAR!
    Ive asked 5 different people to help me get started with swing dancing this past year, and all five have bailed on me :(
    Id love the help Beth, thanks!

    I hope I can meet all of my goals, too. I tend do take a lot of decompression time; sitting and waiting while I mentally gear up for a project. Sometimes its needed, mostly its not. I just need to learn to cut out some of that time and put it towards projects.

  4. Great set of patterns! I keep telling myself "no more patterns" and then I take a spin on Etsy and inevitably end up with more patterns in my cart! LOL

    I definitely recommend learning to swing dance. Fun times! I miss it since I've moved away from LA.
