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Fabric Freakout!

So I was in Playclothes, a cute and I have to say fairly priced vintage wonderland. Some friends and I went and while they were looking for some stuff, I was having a wonder. I generally don't look at clothing in vintage shops because I always think, "I can make that".  They do have a cupboard of yardage, but I had just bought some fabric earlier that week, so I wasn't in the mood. Still, I had fun looking and they have stuff EVERYWHERE and out in the open, which I do like in stores. Stores that keep all their stuff behind the counter make me think they don't trust their customers.

But I digress.

Something in me said to look up, and when I did, 
on a mannequin sitting on top of a rack of men's suits was this!

COME ON! I was freaking out. Wonder why? Let me refresh your memory.

The store had them labeled at 50s men's pajamas. They were spectacular. The rayon was all worn and broken in and the color was a bit faded compared to my unused rayon (the pajamas are snapped with my camera phone), but seeing so much of that fabric was incredible. I was totally freaking out! The people I was with were all, eh.
Geeze, non-sewers...Still I was freaking out! 
Would you freak out? YES!
 It's amazing the stuff that can make my day :)


  1. WOW! that is AMAZING! How cool is that?

  2. so cool! And I LOVE Playclothes, that is one of my favourite vintage stores when I visit from the UK, ah I wish I was there now!

  3. I knew you all would understand! Oh, it was a vision, it truly was.
