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Me wearing my dust bowl dress!

Hi everyone. I finally have some images of my tulip sleeved dust bowl dress. 
I went out swing dancing and I wanted to wear something cool. These pics are with my iPhone and it's a bit dark, so not the greatest.

Here I am outside of the bar about mid night. It was hot in there TONS of folks. So much fun. We stayed until the place closed, and then a few of us went to Bob's Big Boy. 

*I really like the above photo*

It's the first one ever and I had never been to that one.
As you can see I was being quite silly. 

In the back of restaurant there are a few booths all clustered together and it looks like a film set. It was pretty cool. I have no idea why I'm looking up in all the photos.  In the one below you can also get a good look at my hat. 

I had a veggie burger and got home at around 4 am. It was so much fun. 
Well that's it.
Have a great Friday and I SO DON'T CARE about the royal wedding! :)


  1. oh my goodness, it's gorgeous! want!

  2. Someone looks like she had a ripping good time! The dress looks awesome!

  3. Lovely dress! I especially likethe collar!

  4. Looks like a fabulous time! Love the dress and hat--they look stunning!

  5. You look fab!
    I miss bob's big boy
    and i care a little about the wedding lol

  6. Thanks everyone. I had a good time. I do like the dress. Its cool and easy.
