Pages on blog to come...(or not)

Mid year New Year's resolution update

I'm not sure what kind of mood I'm in today. I'm not sad or particularly happy. I guess I'm just making it, and seeing as I've been just making it for a while now, I'm not sure that's the best place to be.

This list that I posted at the beginning of the year has been on my mind a lot lately. It's half way through the year and I feel as if I haven't made any progress on anything. Perhaps I'm just complaining, but let's review.
  • Get a JOB! *No job yet. Yeah, I know I'm not alone in this, but it's a strange thing to take comfort in.*
  • Finish one of my children's stories. *I did do this. At least I did finish one of my animations, Ninja Sheep. I'm very proud of the work I did on that project, but it's sunk into the aether. Not a lot of traffic, which I hoped would lead to my number one goal, but no.*
  • Storyboard two stories I have. *Still working on this one. Motivation is my only obstacle.*
  • Learn to swing dance. *Here is one I can say I'm happy about. I love learning to dance. I can't stop thinking about it, and I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm meeting new friends and having a blast. It's truly a bright spot.*
  • Learn After Effects. (learning) *I've started with this, but have been standoffish about it. It's my own motivation thing again. Blah blah.*
  • Move from my current apartment. *I absolutely, positively loathe where I live. I hate the people in my building, I hate the apartment, and I hate the area. One block in any direction would save my sanity, but it all comes down to that first blasted goal. Crap.*

I'm not in stagnation station. I guess I should be happy for that, but you know how you can get when things don't move at the pace that you want them to. It's frustrating and there is only so much 'positive reinforcement' that one can give oneself.

I guess that's why I'm happy to have the sewing and etsy store. I throughly enjoy doing them, updating the blog and talking with people all over the world. It's amazing! I frankly never thought it would get this popular. Thanks to everyone who has made this happens. But it is totally a diversion, not a distraction. I mean I work on many other things as well, but this seems to be the only one growing now. I guess that's what has my knickers in a crunch today.

How is everyone else doing mid-year? Any lulls, prospects, or great discoveries?
I will leave you all with a random photo of my craziness from the past half year.

'Nibblers'? Yes, there is a diner called Nibblers. After a night of dancing a friend and I came across this lit up sign on the highway. It used to be a Denny's, but these people were apparently too cheap to redo the signage. We were awestruck. We had to stop but they were closed.


  1. First, this just showed up on my costuming blog. There are some really great pics of the 30's and 40's.....picture 66 reminds me of you in your overalls. :-) A real ''rosie the riveter'

    As for my mid year review:

    *I am sewing and completing more!!
    *I have been better about having people over that aren't my kids' friends. LOL Grownup time!!
    *I haven't really lost that 10lbs( or 40 but who's counting) yet, but I haven't gained either. Haven't really tried either....big chicks rule!!!
    *I am trying to update my personal style with dresses....eeeekkkk....still weird, but still working on it!
    *I keep up with my blog better
    *I am developing pics, not just keeping them on a disk drive!
    *more couple time with the hubs now that the kids are nearly grown
    *still need a new costume just for me and a new corset for my regency style clothing...too big---yeah me!

    All in all, not bad.

  2. I only came across your blog this past week, while looking for a pattern for my daughter. She is still deciding which she likes best. I always believe thinks will get better for good people (karma baby, as we say here).You are a true inspiration.

  3. Thanks sew vala.
    I always tell people when my karma gets cashed in I'll be a bizillionare! :)

  4. I don't make resolutions, but did have things I wanted to do, and I achieved none. Well, I made a new friend and have regular social stuff to do. Otherwise chronic pain got in the way

    I so wanted to start swing dancing, I love dancing! I did go to a Balboa night, and am looking forward to going again Sunday if I'm able.

    I haven't found a church. I'm still single, and in too much pain to date. I'm not exercising aside from walking around. And I enjoy jogging. I'm sewing less.
    This list is getting depressing. I did buy some new furniture for my place, and now it looks great :)

    Life is hard and surviving while having fun and friends is the best we can do. That's my theory at least.
