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Sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiips! and Laundry...

I've got bra burn out. It just hit me. I'm sure you understand. The last one I worked on just needs buttons, and I'm sure a brake from it will make me all the wiser when I get to cranking them out a bit later.

What did I do while LA was finally into its 90˚ weather?
I hand washed my laundry. 

I'm broke, and while I didn't need to do much laundry anytime soon, I thought, I *do* hand wash my sewn garments, why not my regular rough and tumbles?

Turns out it takes less soap, not much time and with the hot weather as my dryer, it was near free. I washed a lot of my cotton shirts, socks, undies, etcetera, in small batches. I did a pre-soak in oxi clean, like I normally do, then just washed in a bucket in the sink. Totally old school. 

The belts waiting for their dresses to come home.
After that, I hung everything (not the undies!) outside and in a couple of sun hot hours, they were crispy dry. While I was out there I even washed down the windowsills and my air conditioner. They were grimy. Man, that's a lot of housekeeping.

The front pile are my flannel jim jams, the bag is holding two blankets (thanks to my cat for puking on them) and the back pile are all the whites that are left. I'm looking at two laundry loads as opposed to 6. W00T!

All in all I washed most of my t-shirts, underclothes, blouses and four dresses. And I had time to make a pot of black beans (can you say black bean dip later today!?). Oh! I even was able to wash and twist my hair. Geeze. I didn't know how busy I was. I'll omit the fact I went to the grocery store, too (oop!).

So with all that out of the way, I'm focusing on more undergarments. Slips, slips, slips. I think I'm going to make about 5 or 6, some with sleeves. I think these will be good for dancing, and I can make them with large sweeps because the slips I do have (half slips, only three) are more tubed shaped. 

Trimmed the hem with a stiff trim so it will hold a bit of shape.
It will be like I'm making dresses that will go beneath my dresses. Perhaps I'll reenforce the underarms for extra sweat protection, make the tops in cotton, the bottoms in nylon or static free polly. The good part about that is all this foundation fabric will be extra cheap. Should be fun.

Oh! I'm planning on wearing my Plain Pattern dress to a cocktail party today. I marked it for the hem and yeah, I'm going to cut down the sleeves. 
That linen is freggin' hot! Ha!

How is everyone else doing on their Plain Patterns? 
Still plenty of time for newcomers to join.

Have a great Saturday everyone!


  1. I love the trim on the bottom of your slip hem, what a great idea!

  2. I'm working on version 1 of the PPP - but it's really hard to motivate myself. Summer is over, and I'm thinking of wool, and corduroy, and knitting...
