Pages on blog to come...(or not)

I'm on the air!

Happy Monday, everyone.

 I'm just dropping a line to let you all know I'll be out for a couple of days as I finish up packing and get ready for the movers on Wed. I'm moving in the morning and that afternoon I'll be on the radio!

That's right, I'll be doing a live interview for Women's View Radio this Wednesday afternoon (4PM PST). I'll be talking about my vintage patterns, and general all around vintage stuff. The show will stream live online and on radio (check listings on the site).

Okay, I'm off to work on my radio voice!
Have a great day everyone!!

Here is the interview!


  1. good luck with the interview!!!
    and easy moving!!

  2. Fantastic! Is the interview streamable?

  3. They said yes, it will be. There should be more about it on their site today or tomorrow.

  4. How Fun! And wow, what a day that will be! Can't wait to listen to the show!

  5. Cool! By the way we packed up your box o' patterns today at COPA :)
