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What I'm cramming in in-between packing boxes.

Happy Tuesday one and all!

I hope your week is going well. Actually, I hope you all recovered from last week by having a restful weekend. Me? Well, I'm glad you asked. MY weekend was just as packed (ha, that's a pun) as my weeks have been.

On Saturday evening, after a day of determination to go from this,

to this!

I went to a dance venue, second Saturday swing, hosted by my dance instructor. It's a great practice venue where you can dance with many different types of dancers to live music for a swell price.

Here was a highlight where one of the cool dancers did a tap number.

Sunday was Cicada again (I don't think I ever get tired of that place for too long) and it was the 6th anniversary of the Cicada Club. It was 20s themed so I wore my very late 20s early 30s number and got tons of compliments.

I had a couple of lovely, lovely friends treat me to a bleated birthday dinner. Drank too much wine and did a bit of dancing. Even got our photo taken by Paper Moon Vintage.

Even with all of that going on, I have managed to squeeze in a sewing project. Remember those jazz hands gloves I did? Well now I'm making some hoods! This was given to me the other day.

He's light weight, but a bit creepy. 
This was what was desired.

Well, I didn't have a pattern, so I had to draft one.
I cut it out and darted it, and double layered, this is what I go done last night. 

I'm going to sew int all up tomorrow and presto, instant hood. 

I've pressed open all the seams and when I sandwiched the two pieces together I'll have it complete. 


All that got done before my dance class last night. Man, I work hard and play hard!

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. I love your hat. Did you make it and if so did you use a pattern? Glad you had a good time.

  2. Hi,
    I did make the hat. Its from my own design. I have a couple pre-made hats in my etsy store, but the pattern isn't ready for sale just yet :)
