Pages on blog to come...(or not)

Weird feeling weekend.

Happy Tuesday lovely people. 
I hope your week is going well and you just aren't hoping to get through it as quickly as you can so you can enjoy your next weekend.
Hey, we have all been there.

My past weekend was strange, emotionally. I mean, I felt fine, but I was just sad. I'm not sure as why. I constantly reflect on the good things that have happened to me lately, and sometimes I feel I don't deserve them, but I just felt totally lonely and sad this past Saturday and Sunday. 

The wave has passed and I feel fine now, but it was strange to have a sudden bout of heaviness like that.

A bit about me.
I was diagnosed with severe depression around 2004. With the help of my doctor and some meds, I was able to get back on track and here I am today, a regulated happy person. That weekend sadness felt routine, I guess, but still it was odd.

In any account I tried to keep myself busy over the weekend. I didn't have any pressing plans so I just stayed at home and set up the rest of my stuff. 

I FINALLY finished the bedroom. Well, what I have for it anyway. Does not look like much, but its finished. I organized me jewelry (in those black shelves on the left) and I can sit here and pretty up when I'm about to head out for a night of dancing. 

I also worked on some jeans. I used the denim that I once used to cover my wire shelving. I got like 20 yards of it for $1 a yard and the pieces are large enough to make about 4 pairs of pants. So when you see me, don't say, "Dang, that girl must have no clothes. She's wearing the same pair of black jeans she always wears!"

I'm working out the fit for the new jeans. I have to slim it down and because of the nearly 12" difference in my waist and hip, it's a daunting task. Onda can't help, she has no legs, or rather, no crotch. Poor crotcheless-headless-armless mannequin. But she is good for some stuff.

I'm finally getting around to finishing up my sweaters. Yay! It's been cold here and I miss my cute peacocks! I threw out the old sweater I originally had these on (I think I said that in a previous blog post) and I just have to redo the button holes and finish sewing on the appliqué peacocks and I'm all set! Once they are done, I get to pick out buttons and I'll be all ready to go.

And I leave you with this amazing fountain in Glendale that I walked past yesterday. 
Have a great day!


  1. Haha! I like the line about you always wearing the same pair of jeans. When I buy jeans I tend to just buy 5 of the same pair, so I've been there.

  2. I too suffer from depression, now pretty well controlled. But a sudden bout of sadness is hard.

  3. All change, even good change, like moving into a great apartment, is stressful. And stress can trigger low moods. Since I've been reading your blog, you've had some major ups and downs, and I think you've handled them well. Sometimes you just gotta feel the blues . . .
    Wishing you well!

  4. You have LOTS of talent! Enjoying your blog very much and know that it brings great pleasure! Thanks!
