Pages on blog to come...(or not)

The 'I'm back!' Giveaway.

 This weekend it's just me at home chilling out, shopping on line (don't we all), and sewing. Mostly sewing. I haven't had a huge chunk of time set aside just to sew in a while. I've spent it out having fun, learning to dance, and working. Don't get me wrong, I love it all, but my clothes are in need of some serious attention. Especially now that it's getting warmer, I need blouses, and I need to take in a few of the blouses I have. Also sew blouses for others. This having a life thing is getting in the way of sewing!

To energize my sewing momentum, and also the sewing momentum of others (I know you all have been slacking), and what I fell is, a lack of posting, I've decided to offer up an, "I'm back" giveaway.

This lovely late 40's peplum blouse! 

Take a look, the peplum is ruffled. Now, I know I've stated that peplums are to be avoided, especially if you have a big bum (which I do, seriously), but I do think a peplum can work on the right figure. Like with anything in styling, rules are made to be broken.

To enter the giveaway, either follow this blog, or my Facebook page (shameless plug!!!). Post you entry here. The deadline is Wednesday, April 11th at midnight, my time. I'll announce the winner on Friday the 13th, hehehehe. It's open to anyone all over the globe. Even to those worlds and dimensions beyond, though, you inter-dimentional folks will have to pay for post.

Okay all you sewing divas, have a great weekend (Easter, Passover or other), and I'll see you next week!


  1. Wow thats a fabulous top! Glad to see you back!

  2. I'm following you,here and facebook love the blouse,I like peplums on my big bum,makes my waist look smaller

  3. Great giveaway - gorgeous pattern x

  4. I really like that black version! My aunt just gave me some black vintage lace that would do nicely for this. Please enter me into the giveaway!

  5. I like the shape of the back of the peplum. I haven't sewn for myself in years but your blog is inspiring me to try again!

  6. I follow you via rss feed. thanks for the giveaway

  7. Lovely pattern - I follow your blog on google reader.

  8. I love 40s blouse patterns! I follow you via google reader! Thanks

  9. Good to see you back! Though I have been enjoying the new apartment series of posts.

  10. I follow you on facebook as Deidra Black, here's a pic of me:
    I love peplums, just takes a bit to account for the ol' swayback.

  11. Hi there! I'd love to be entered as well. I follow you via RSS.

  12. I follow your blog via bloglovin and have also friended on Facebook. Would love the pattern - Claire

  13. Super cute blouse. I would love to win!

  14. I rarely enter blog comps but I LOVE this blouse pattern and it's a good bigger size (mind you I'm bigger but I can make it work!)

    Please enter me!

  15. What a great giveaway! I am a follower here. :)

  16. Lovely giveaway :) (I'm a follower here)

  17. This is such a pretty pattern! Enter me, please. I follow you on blogger. Thanks for doing this give-away.

  18. That is very cute and the variations would definitely keep it interesting. Might have to attempt drafting one if I don't win.

  19. Longtime follower of your blog

    Steph @ Tart Deco
    tartdeco at gmail dot com

  20. I follow your blog (and am about to add you to my facebook) and enjoy your entries. Can I be added for the contest?

  21. ooh, peplums and wide shoulders ... and my size!
    please enter me in the giveaway!

  22. Count me in! I follow both! :) And this pattern is for my measurements!!

  23. I follow you in my Feedly. I love peplum style blouses. They are my favorite!

  24. Oooh! How did I miss this? I'd love to make a peplum blouse :) Especially the bow version!

  25. That blouse is the business!!! So is your blog. Please enter me, this blouse is just so FAB!!! Thanks, from a fan.
