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March Pattern Showcase!

Only one this past month.
Not really into pattern buying this past month. 

I did however go to the Pasadena Flea Market on Sunday and got some goodies. Yeah, I know its April 1st, but I think this can count for last month because it was the weekend. See my logic!?

I bought some shoe stretchers which I really needed. The booth I got them from was selling everything at 50% off. I got two pair for $30! These are like $45 new (for one stretcher!).

I also go this whole bag of buttons for $15. There are about 1/3 more not in the picture.

I think this approaching month will be less patterns as well. I've been looking through my stash which is pretty large now, and there are some patterns I can't wait to work on. So my focus I feel is going to be on patterns I already have. I want to get back to the DuBarry dress I was working on before the move.

I've got some serious plans for this puppy. You all will see!
How are you all doing on your sewing projects?


  1. The DuBarry dress is pretty!

    I've been working on a 60s dress that had me pulling my hair out yesterday. I finally said enough is enough and put it away for the time being.

  2. I have actually finally started to work on a dress from the pattern I won from you last year. I made a toile yesterday and now I think I'm ready to cut into my printed cotton. Or at least as soon as my cold gets better.

  3. i'm a month past finishing four custom bustle dresses for a wedding at the beginning of the month, and am ready to sew again so i'm getting back to finishing up my alterations of the bra pattern i bought off you plus a linen sports bra pattern I've been working on.

  4. Wow, you really scooped! I can't wait to see that pattern made up.

    Like you, I've been buying less and focusing more on the great patterns I already have. I'm also making a DuBarry pattern, this one is for a pinafore dress out of green and white striped seersucker with some rick rack thrown in for good measure!

  5. Can't go wrong with rick rack!
