Pages on blog to come...(or not)

Wednesday Update

Good morning lovely people.

Just an update for the week, since I don't have anything to really report.
I got a package in the mail yesterday, some Fireking ovenwear bowls I order arrived. 

It's a full set, 4 nesting bowls and a grease jar (with lid). Those seem older than the one I have. The marking on the bottom are different and the color is more eggshell instead of the crisp white. If anyone knows anything about ovenwear dishes, please share.

My vintage cabinet is filling up :)
I've been doing some through the week sewing. Mainly mending and alterations for friends. I'm helping one of my friends take in and slightly alter a 50s dress. It's going to be her wedding dress (hi Amy!). I'm honored that she's trusting me with such an important project.

As for minor sewing, I hope to  get this done soon. It's just a modern knock of, but with summer here and all, its just too cute not to want to wear. The under arms are a bit tight so I want to add gussets. Should not take too long.

I still have two cushions to complete, well, more like one and a half. That will be part of my weekend. And through it all, I'm going to dance class.

Here are some of my girlfriends. For some reason, people always mix us up. I wonder why? I'm planning on making this a series titled, "We are not the same person."

Last Friday out dancing.
This past Tuesday out dancing. 
Have a splendid hump day everyone!!


  1. Oh those dishes are awesome! I love vintage Fire King and Pyrex. I use this link to help date my Fire King. The page says it is for mugs, but in general, the markings on other items were the same style as well. Hope this helps!

  2. Thanks Rebecca!
    That puts my set to the late 40s, and my single tulip bowl I have to the mid 50s. I knew there had to be something different about it because the milkglass was such a different color.

  3. Your friends and you are beautiful! You all look like sisters so maybe that is why people confuse you. Everyone calls me by my sister's name all the time, even family (cousins and uncles). I also lurve the Fire King pieces. Anyway, Waving Hi and thanking you for such a lovely blog and artwork and pattern-making and sewing.... and everything else.
