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August Showcase!!

Happy October everyone!
Time for a recap of last month's goodies.

My main haul being my Royalchrome. For those who are sick of hearing about my love for this furniture, tough :)

Oh! Random cat picture!! Brasco has his own chair.

I got the chair together and put that in the living room. I ordered two cushions for it that I hope will be here by the end of the week, and I got out the rest of the fabric I had and got to piping.

Because this is Make and Mend season I really don't want to buy more of this flower fabric, AND I have a lot of this red upholstery fabric left so I'm going to cover the chair cushions with it and have an accent of piping in the flower fabric. I think that will look cute, brake up that flower pattern and save me money. Yay!

This past month the hot wether must have had me at the computer because I bought some patterns. My selective eye is paying off. Lots on eBay are going for crazy money, and some single patterns are going for bank as well. Me? I'm acting like a ninja as striking those BINs when I see them ripe for the taking. Behold my spoils!

Not too many lately, but enough to keep the hoard, er, collection going.

Also, my rooster pin cushion came! He has a yard long tape measure coming out of his neck. Decipher that as you will.

How cute is that!!

I know I know. I'm all bought out. I'm ready to get back into projects and the MnM stuff and the two cushions are just what I'm looking for.

Got this millinery fruit for a hat I'm making.
This month is going to be a month of sewing for other people. I have a dress commission and some alterations coming my way. Squeee! Halloween I haven't decided yet. I'm not a *big* Halloween person. You all know I love to dress up, but Halloween has always been meh to me. I'd rather go to a scary movie marathon than see a bad Iron Man walk down the street.

But you know, it's that time of year.

Speaking of which, if you haven't seen the Facebook post (and really, who has not), I'm going to have a dress sale this weekend. I'm purging a lot out of my closet and most of the dresses I'm going to list in my etsy store will not be over $100. I mean it. I want them gone so I can have room for more clothes!

The sale will be midnight Friday Oct. 5th and end midnight Oct. 8th. All sales are final. So if you've been hoping that I would have a sale, and I know some of you are ;) now is the time to act. You've seen most of these garments being made, you've followed their path and if you are between a 46"-50" bust, you can have one of your very own!

Alright everyone, I will leave you with one more random photo.
I decided to clean my fridge on Sunday. Why? I'm still figuring that one out.

Have a great day!!


  1. You hang out with the wrong Halloween people.

    Wait, sorry. Sci-fi convention doesn' t count, does it? They could totally Trick-o-Treat in that!

    I love your patterns, and that you managed to finally finish out your Royalchrome set. Huzzah!

  2. Great haul this month! I love that DuBarry pattern - it reminds me of a cute outfit snapshot of a 40's girl I found on Pinterest this morning.

  3. I got that duBarry for $6, Beth! It was discounted because of the condition of the envelope! :)
