Pages on blog to come...(or not)

It's been a boring week.

Hi everyone. I hope your week has been one filled with adventure, fun, and perhaps some good chocolate. Me? Eh.

I think I'm in a lull. Nothing bad, but just not really motivated this past week. I've been doing some small freelance projects and after I play with puppy, I'm just too tired to do anything else.

The sandwich attempts his getaway!
I tried to start a new pattern. Traced it off, graded it and put together some of the mock up with a new bold of muslin I got, but I've lost interest on that mainly because I used my slopers and that was not the best idea because now I have to do a lot of altering (too big, especially the skirt).


I do have more sewing coming for me in the way of freelance and nothing motivates you to sew like money :)

It's not that I'm tired of sewing, I'm just at my limit right now and don't feel like sewing for myself. I have some great dresses, some pants and enough slip covers to choke a horse (not really). I am interested in working with knits, though. I want to make some vintage cut knit tops like in my Sears magazine.

 Check out miss striped top there.

I do need a new garter belt but summer is approaching and that project can wait.

Mostly I've been drawing and readying Vintageville. Yes, it's still a project but as always things seem to take longer than we all expect. Don't they always!?

I did get some new goodies this past week. I finally got a steamer! 

It works great, has no bottle, but I'm sure I can find one. At least I hope. I'll be making a trip to Home Depot to get some piping to make a stand for the top soon enough. Hey, it was only $20. I'm not complaining!

I also was able to add to my pattern ad signage collection with an early 40s Simplicity. 

That tear across the middle was a result of the seller's bad packaging job, which I let them know very promptly about. If it were not for the stand attached to the back of the cardboard, it would have split in half. Not to worry, sign. You are home now and I'll get you framed soon enough.

Okay, I'm off to check on the tomato plant I have growing from seeds I got from a plant I bought at the 99¢ store in 2008. Tee hee!


  1. Oh Shelley, despite your saying "It's been a boring week", the tomatoes alone sounds exciting! I'm feeling a little worn out as well, I think the weather being still winter-y here is keeping my production levels down. And fitting is an exhausting step.
    Did you ever get that 1940s mens pants pattern, by the way?

  2. I did get it, thanks! Its great! Some people have expressed interest in a repro of it. That may have to happen. We will see.
