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MnM 2013: Repurposing some fabric.

Good morning lovely people.

Thanks for holding on this past week. I just got overwhelmed with late nights and  tons of things that I had to get out of the way for other people.

This suit being one. He'll be gone soon, glad. He's a big guy.

I also managed to do some much needed cleaning. Between dog drool and cat puke, the flood need a good washing.

I also managed to start on another MnM project. It's something that I've been wanting to do for a long time with fabric that I've been meaning to use for a long time.

As I've said before, I'm trying to use more of my stash of vintage fabric in my wardrobe.
I have this ribbed red fabric, 40's, nearly 5 yards and it's too candy store smock to make into a garment.

I love the stripe, but really, I can't make a dress of it at all. So I thought, really, just came up with it a few days ago, it will make a great day robe.

I walk Brian and sometimes I don't want to but on all my day clothes to do it. I'm lazy, but I don't want to look homeless either. I thought a house coat made out of this might make a good compromise.

First thing I did was play with the stripes. I'm making it short, a bit above the knee, so it wont look too strange when I'm walking. I'm still somewhat self conscious at times about my clothes. I don't know why, thought. I look so cute most of the time :)

Because the fabric is double sided, and to save as much as I could with the belt, I took all the scrap and flat felled it into the belt.

Also, I decided to add a bit of splash and cut the pockets on the bias. Because I didn't want them to stretch much, I lined them with a light cotton.

 Now it's hanging and I'll have a lot of hand sewing around the edges to do but I think it is turning out rather well. I hope to finish it in a day or so then photo shoot!

That's it for now. I'll chat with you all later!
Happy Monday!


  1. Great idea!! I appreciate your desire to look good while out walking the dog. Others could take a lesson. Yesterday, I saw a gentleman riding his bicycle wearing dark slack, a light button down shirt, and real shoes (not of the athletic variety). He caught my eye, and I thought, "how nice".

  2. Nice fabric for a robe. I like the pattern you're using--can't wait to see it!
