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Some lovely pictures of my vintage neighborhood.

Hello lovely people. 

The weather has been overcast here leading to some evenly lit days. Often, when I'm walking Brian, I look around y neighborhood at all the cool 30s and 40s architecture from the old Hollywood days.

I live in Los Feliz, and originally this area was where a lot of actors from the golden age were put up. The area has a lot of apartments and once resident hotels now converted. There are also lots of middle class homes and fenced off (by shrub homes). You can tell which houses are new and which ones are original (some need TLC).

That shrub bed fortress on the left is a residence. People love to do that here, fence themselves off from the rest of the world. I think they do it because the lots for homes are practically stacked on top of each other. No real space.

Lovely skyline :)

The house above you can tell is old. You can see the wood work over that left window and its sad wood rot :(

Some overgrown shrubs impeding on the sidewalk.

Lovely old apartment buildings in the background.

These apt buildings are a great mix of old and new.

And last, this great complex. I believe these were actor's apartments, too. The complex takes up about 1/4 a block, and on the other side of the block, its lined with palm trees too.

This is just a few block on my street. The area is filled with great old architecture like this. I'll try to do more posts like this so you can see all the cool stuff that often inspires me.

Have a great day!


  1. Looks like a fun place to live (well if you consider looking at architecture from that era fun, which I do).

  2. Thanks, Shelley, I really enjoyed looking at your pix! Hope things are looking up for you.
