Pages on blog to come...(or not)

I'm having a Giveaway!!!

I figure it's time to have another giveaway. It's been a while and I want to share the love with you lovely people.

I'm offering this great sale Lane Bryant catalog from 1952 for the giveaway.
To enter, I'm asking you to either be a subscriber to my Facebook page or to the blog (or both). Then chime in to the comments you want to enter. That's it! Yeah, I know…

I'll make a random pick next week and announce the winner next Monday.


  1. I subscribe to both! Please enter me in! Love Vintageville too!!

  2. Me! Me! (waves hand from back of room frantically) Pick me!

    I can't believe I didn't friend Vintageville on Fb until now.And now I'm all good.

  3. I'm already a subscriber too :-D I read your blog via Feedly and like your FB page. AND have bought a pattern off you!

  4. Got u on my bloglovin and facebook Hope you are doing well and smiling :)

  5. I love your vintage catalogue posts.

  6. I enjoy your blog and your Facebook page. I've visited you on Etsy as well!

  7. Don't know why I never checked for you on FB before. Also been enjoying Vintageville. The catalog posts are great for reference too. BTW, did Lady ever have an animation test done? ; )

  8. Thanks for entering the contest! Ill announce a winner soon :)
