Pages on blog to come...(or not)

My more than a circle skirt!

Hello lovely people. 
I have a lot of projects in the works, and I'm doing more movie monsters, too.
If you want to keep up with those sewing projects, I'll be posting exclusive content there.

Also I have a new Facebook page for my art.
Lost of cool stuff on both pages :)

Now for skirts!

I got some fabric from a project for someone else and I liked the wrap so much I decided to whip up a skirt.

I created a basic wedge shape for the skirt and sewed about 17 panels together.

There is a LOT of fabric!

Once the skirt hanged about two days' I marked the hem.

For the hem, I decided to use some great vintage satin ribbon for the hem. I was going to tuck it under and hem it, but the ribbon turned out so well I'm going to leave it down.

I finished the waistband and presto!

The skirt is finished!

I'm not too sure about it, truthfully. I'm please with the construction, but the sweep is a good 300"! What was I thinking!?

Oh well, I have it now so might as well wear it :)
Next I'm going to make some dresses, solid color. I need them.
I need a lot of stuff! Have a great weekend!


  1. It looks like a good swishy skirt. I love when skirts swish. Just wouldn't wear it on a windy day!

  2. Beautiful skirt - I usually wear mine with bike shorts. I love the color and the ribbon really sets it off.

  3. If you spin, you might take flight! It's lovely! (hey, is that your cloak for the Wolfman at ws77?)

  4. That is! I do most of the costuming for them.

  5. I love the idea of ribbon along the edge of a circle skirt, but if the hem is on a curve, how did you get the ribbon to lie flat?

  6. The curve is so slight, that it had no affect on adding the tape :)
