Pages on blog to come...(or not)

2017 Year in Review

Hi everyone. Hello sewers and all those who love vintage.

First I want to apologize for my lack of posts this year. It's not because I haven't been sewing. I have, a lot. Even have a part time job sewing costumes, but when you sign an NDA, you can't share all that cool work.

Not to mention this was the year of chasing work where ever I could find it. I had to move abruptly after I got in essence kicked out of my previous living situation in January, and the entire year has been me trying to steady my wobbling feet from that abruptness. I'm SO GLAD I moved, but a lot of things had to be hurried in order for me to just get out of that disfunction. Then Brian got sick, twice, my calendar Kickstarter failed, and clients just didn't pay me.

It's taken about a year to recover.

I felt I finally had. I was about to be in the black again, celebrated my 40th birthday this month, and new work was coming in. I was SO excited, but over the holiday I fell victim to check fraud and lost a lot of the little money I had.

I just can't win.

So this dumpster fire of a year I can't wait to leave behind. I have repro patterns to make for so many lovely people, and honestly, the joy of that has been dwarfed by all my other efforts just to stay afloat.

It's not that I haven't been working or forgotten about you all. I've been pulling 12 hour days for about 6 weeks straight just to keep the lights on, and that was still not enough a lot of the time. It's made me bitter.

So I'm working on moving on from this year's terribleness and abusiveness and just keep working.

If you'd like to support me, then please make a purchase in my etsy store. It would help a lot, seeing as I only had 7 purchases the entire month of December.

Once this last crisis gets overcome, I'm forging a head with patterns in full force. I have a lot of work to do that I want to do and need to do. A lot of people have put their faith in me, and I want to fulfill that with quality work.

So I'll see you all anew next week. I don't think I can stomach 2017 anymore. It's nearly broken me.

More to come and thank you all.

AKA NewVintageLady








Someone tried to steal my bike components and broke the cover on the brake.


Didn't happen :(





Bride of Frankenstein costume.

I sorted all my fabric and fabric of other people and found I had enough for a box of pleather!

I took down my bed and reinforced the bed frame. It's great now!

Brian's pills for 3 weeks!

My 40th birthday portrait.
May the new year not suck.


  1. Oh, Shelley, you are such a strong woman! I am sorry for all the obstacles that have come your way this past year. Wishing you a FABULOUS 2018. Smooches to Brian.

  2. A torrid year. I'm so sorry that people have been awful and unethical. Hope 2018 is merry and bright and hopeful for you and NVL

  3. Thanks for the update, and sorry to hear 2017 has been horrible to you. I really hope 2018 is terrific to you!

  4. Man, that sounds rough. What a long catalog of bad luck. Yay for a great reinforced bed frame, and sympathy for the bottle of Brian's pills--my dog takes seizure meds three times a day and we have a similar bottle. Wishing you the best of luck in 2018!
