Pages on blog to come...(or not)

What Have I been up to!

Man, oh man!

Times, they sure have been busy for me. Gotta hustle for that cash, yo. You know how it is.
You all know about my sewing for the costume makers, Anovos, but I have also been in the interwebs media a bit too!

I know these are a little late in mentioning, because, gotta do that hustle, yo, but they did make me quite proud to be in them and I wanted to share them with you.

I was interviewed for last month's Jan/Feb issue of Sewn magazine! It was an awesome spread, you here is the cover for the issue I was featured in. I know, I know I am so late, and I apologize, but know that I just gots the works ahead of me.

Also, earlier last year, I was contacted with data that I was one of the most popular plus size sewing blogs in the internet!

I used to be #4 but again, the hustle, yo! I'll get back up there as I get more posts into the blog. I'm sure you lovely people will help to get me up there too!

Let's see, what else have I been up to? Not much aside from working on sewing and creating my plus size patterns! My update website is in the cue, and I hope to get that started this month, so I can begin selling patterns on my own site instead of 3rd party sellers. 

I also plan to offer wholesale pricing for the paper patterns once I get a few more patterns in stock, so international buyers won't have to pay monster shipping when they can buy it local from other indie pattern sellers. More info on that later, so if you are a reseller, reach out to me on the next time I post about this and I'll give you my price list on the patterns.

Whew! So much stuff.

Thanks all for putting up with me. I often feel like I drop the ball sometimes with all I have to do to keep my head above water, but I'm glad I have this community to feel good about it all.


Don't forget to check out my other social media and be sure to tell your friends!


  1. Congratulations on all the cool things happening to you!

  2. Thanks for the update Shelley! You've been BUSY! Wishing you all the best!
