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My parrot shirts!

Hello everyone!

Hope you all had a great Mother's day and your week is going well.
I've been busy sewing about 65 units for a small production, working on patterns, and doing some illustration as well. Whew!

In between all of that I made these tiki inspired shirts for a friend who is going to program the parrots to say witty and funny things. You know, like you do.

The goal was to make the wings be able to flap under the shirts, which I kinda did, but the range of the flappage wasn't as wide as I assumed the wings moved when I had the model to base the shirt from.

I began with a template I made and worked out as many issues as I thought I'd run up against.

I went to a store that specialized in Polynesian prints and picked up about 6 or so for the shirts.

With me it's either go big or go home and I realized I'd have to make the shirts just like regular men's shirts because I am a glutton for punishment. Construction of each shirt took about an hour. That did not include the cutting and overlocking of each piece. But I will say the outcome is rockin'.

I hope to be able to have video of the birds in the future once they are all set up. I think they will look amazing.

That's it for me at the moment. I'm off to take a nap before I get back to sewing.

Pattern making is eking along, and once this production sewing is over, I'll be back to a regular schedule.

Gotta pay that rent!
Thanks all and yay sewing!


  1. I just found your blog!! I love everything I've read so far, you speak my language! Now I get to spend a couple of hours reading. I'm so excited! Lol.
