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Catalog Sunday

Today is Lane Bryant 1940. 


  1. Oh I love the overalls! Very nice!

  2. What a great collection of casual house dresses, day dresses, and work and play clothes! Not sure why, but the print in the descriptions isn't really very legible when the images are slightly enlarged. I love reading them when I can, but these just sort of disappear when I try to make them larger. I've seen others on different sites where the print gets even better when doing so. Wish these would!🤔 Otherwise, I love the pictures of the pretty styles for us "fluffy" ladies!

    1. After replacing my phone a couple of times, the images have now become clear and easier to read than before. Happy to see that, and be able to read all the text, unlike before! Still enjoying the 1940s images as always!
      How do we find and open these posts of catalog images on your site? I can only seem to locate them through Pins on the Pinterest site. I can't seem to locate them through your menu links? Kind of frustrating when I want to find your catalog images specifically.
