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Tremendously Two-Tone

Hello all.

It's no secret I love combining fabrics in the garments I make. Sometimes I cross stripes, or pair polka dots with plaid. I think pairing different fabrics is a great way to highlight the design elements on a garment.

But I've always had a weakness for two tone styles. I've done it with hats, blouses, and even my Gardenia Dress. I love the idea of pairing bold colors together. I think it's a sophisticated way to make a garment pop, and can be a down right flattering ascetic to the wearer as well.

It's no wonder that type of design element was so stylish in the war time 40s.

So youthful, and a practical way to use up fabric when you may not have enough for a full dress or blouse. Looking on some of the patterns I have from that time, I just adore the two and even three or four tone suggestions that are given on the envelope covers.

That's not to say that you can't make any garment a two tone. I don't even think it takes that much planning. I often dig around in my fabric stash just to see what fabrics I have left over from a larger completed project that I can fashion into something else.

Take my newest Simplicity dress for instance.

This dress is an amalgam of three different wool crepes, each one not a large enough remnant to make a full garment. The maroon/brick crepe was JUST enough to make into the skirt and back bodice, of which I had to do some serious piecing. The front and sleeves are cream, and because the skirt was not long enough, I made a band around the bottom for length, but I do think it's a great effect.

Even had enough left over to whip up my new favorite beret.

So go for it, be daring and don't fret if you ran out of fabric for a project. Improvise and see what else you have in the stash, or plan ahead intending to alternate fabrics. You may be pleasantly surprised.

More images of the two-tone dress and beret are on NVL.


  1. OH! I love it! I'm also a big fan of contrasting fabric colors (and absolutely adore the second hollywood pattern--swoon!). I love the matching hat as well! Are you going to repro that hat pattern? It looks so classic and fairly easy to put together?

  2. I was thinking bout it; doing it as a PDF.

  3. I love two-tone, and your new dress is a stunning example! I love the colors. You look fantastic!

  4. Wow! You look fantastic! I too love the make do and mend two-tone patterns ideas. Great job!

  5. LD - you always look so well put together. Fantabulous!
