Pages on blog to come...(or not)

New day, new blouse.

I cut out another 40s blouse but this time from the vintage rayon that
I got at the Expo a few weeks ago.
Man, I *barely* had enough.

Actually, I ran out and had to cut the collar in two pieces.
I'll have to cut the under side of the collar in a cotton or something.
Have it double as facing and fabric.

Because my serger is DOA at the moment, and I'm too lazy to shlep it across the city to a recommended repair place, I'm going to zig-zag the edges of the fabric.
Hopefully that won't take too long.

More to come :)


  1. Holy close cuts, Batman! Love that rayon.

  2. Oh, I am sure it will be lovely. Great fabric. And I have to say, often, when I don't have enough fabric and have to get creative, I am most pleased with the result, because of the creative and unexpected touch.

    I look forward to seeing the result!
