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My 2010 Christmas card

Every year for a long while now I've done a custom Christmas card for family and friends. For a while I did a linoleum run (when I had access to a press) and signed and dated them. MAN I miss printmaking.

This year, like last year, I've been knee deep in Adobe Illustrator, so I decided to do a second version of last year's card, gingerbread me. It was hugely successful. Between the Lady and gingerbread me, you all must think I'm this HUGE egomaniac.
No, not at all.
No more than what's healthy, I guess...

Now I need to have some cards printed. I still have time!


  1. So cute! Thanks for sharing - I think you have a unique perspective from most people involved with this hobby, and I really enjoy how you use your artistic skills to express that. Not ego. :)

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Gingerbread you is so cute! It's adorable and sweet and doesn't say 'ego' at all. What a great personalized card! :)

  3. Aw, thanks you all.

    It's fun being able to incorporate my profession into my sewing. :)
