Pages on blog to come...(or not)

Progress on the blouse.

I've been steadily working on my rayon blouse. Since I don't have my serger, *sniff *sniff*, I over cast the edges of the fabric with a ziz-zag stitch.

I had to piece some parts that don't show. The inside facing of the front blouse I had to piece in order to make the most out of the fabric.

As I was looking for fabric to use as facing on specific pieces, I grabbed some cheap old cotton/polly from my stash. That would be good enough, I thought. Then I realized, this is vintage fabric, it deserves a better grade of facing than this.
I looked in my stash and pulled out some vintage feedsacks.

The cotton of the feedsacks is a fairly loose broken in weave and will give a soft stiffening, a perfect compliment to the rayon. To finish the edges, I first did a basting stitch then overcast the edges. I didn't back stitch but just knotted the tails like you would of had to do with an old machine. When I tried to back stitch because the fabric is so thin, it would get caught in the feed dogs.

I love the look, it's clean and very secure. On the plus this was a great use of all my half filled bobbins. Got through them pretty fast. This process did take longer, and I stopped for an hour twice to let my machine have a brake but I do feel the craftsmanship in doing this. I still miss my serger, though.

I've finished up all the pieces and plan on starting construction today.
More to come!


  1. Lookin' good, can't wait to see the final result.

  2. I love to watch your projects come together!
