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Flapper dress conclusion.

Oh dust bowl, how I love thee.

I finally finished all the hand sewing on my flapper dress. I do think it turned out rather well. The sheer fabric is so light and breezy, and I think I have somewhere to wear it to next week.

I even managed to smash my hair into my sun bonnet for this make shift photo shoot.

The underdress I'm wearing is the coral colored slip I made for the Air Raid that I never wore. 

I have some light coral cotton that I want to whip up an underdress for this dress because the Air Raid slip is pretty heave and hot. But I was looking in my closet, and I also have a floor length coral rayon underdress for the navy floor length gown I made last year. 

Geeze! I'm making coral the foundation slip color of the century!

In any account, I'm going to make it because it works. I think this turned out very well and I look cute, always a plus! 

I'll have more photos on NVL by next week, and photos of my floor length Balboa dress too. 

As soon as I hem it.
Have a great Saturday!


  1. the flapper dress is gorgeous!
    i've been reading your blog for ages - xxoo

  2. You look adorable I love that dress and that is saying a lot as the 20s flapper styles don't really turn my crank.

  3. Lovely-also love the balboa.

  4. It is so very delicate and pretty! I bet it will be nice for the summer. The ties perplex me...I feel like they should be tied!

  5. Hiya...I'm your newest follower! Found you over at sew Retro and Love your blog....Very inspiring! Love your dresses too!

  6. Love it. Can't wait to see the balboa one properly.

  7. A lovely dress, and fun, too! Thanks for the Sam Cooke.

  8. Thanks everyone! I really do like how it turned out. I even got a black and white version of this fabric just in case I wanted to make another one :)

  9. Shelley, I'm bookmarking you and later adding you to my links. I too have never much liked 20's flapper fashions but this turned out cute!

  10. I think it is really cute and becomes you well!

  11. I LOVE that dress! You look awesome!

  12. 1920's = Flapper Dresses
    1930's = Dust Bowl

    p.s I love the dress and love your blog. Thanks for putting it out here.

  13. Flapper dress does not always equal 20s, anonymous, as a lot of the same eliminates translated into the very early 30s. Pair this dress with the right hat (as the one Im wearing, and Id fit in quite well at a dust bowl picnic.

  14. That is quite possibly one of the cutest dresses I have ever seen and you wear it soooo well! Great Job!
