My end of the year update.

The year is almost up. Just about six weeks to see if the list I made at the start of the year is still on track for me. Actually, I can happily say that these past few weeks have skyrocketed my list near completion!

These past couple of years have been monstrously tough. No full time work, an apartment that I hate, no money, or real social life. It's amazing how happy one can be when you finally get your foot in the door.

I don't know how it all happened for me, or what tips I can provide, but I guess perseverance and a shit load of luck are some of the most important things that no one ever really admits to saying is what got them going in the first place. Talent, sure, but I know tons of talented people with no opportunity, and lots more less talented people with great opportunity. I've always thought its a combo of both.

  • Get a JOB! *Done! Not only that, but it's in my field! I'm working as an illustrator/animator for a start up doing online training courses. It's way more fun than it sounds. They LOVE my work, give me a lot of creative control, and value my input. What more can a gal ask for!?
  • Finish one of my children's stories. *I did do this. At least I did finish one of my animations, Ninja Sheep. I'm very proud of the work I did on that project, but it's sunk into the aether. Not a lot of traffic, which I hoped would lead to my number one goal, but no.*
  • Storyboard two stories I have. *Still working on this one., but since I have a full time job drawing, it's been a bit of a back burner issue for me.
  • Learn to swing dance. *It's been about nine months and I'm loving the dancing. I learn something new every time I practice and my teacher thinks I'm one of the best people in his classes. Yay!!*
  • Learn After Effects. (learning) *I've started with this, but have been standoffish about it. I need a chunk of time to really knock this out, but now because of the job, there never seems to be enough time in the day. *
  • Move from my current apartment. *This is the one thing that I thought I would not be able to do. It's amazing how having a job can make the world open up for you! I am happy to say that I am on track to moving hopefully by the end of the year!! I'm looking for a two bedroom because I want a home office.
It's amazing to me. The constant nagging in my brain to count every penny when I had no money for wiggle room. It was exhausting. Everything I made via etsy pretty much ended up back in the store because that is what was keeping me going for a while. I wasn't able to go many places or do many things, and how I feel like I have a shot at more and it's great.

With this shot, I decided to add more amazing complexity to my life.

Meet my new doggie. I'm not sure what he is, but I'm glad to have him. He will need a lot of work, mostly in training. He's not potty trained or leash trained but he's smart and can concentrate which is a very good thing.

I'm going to have him kenneled until this weekend because I want a good chunk of time with him to get him acclimated to his new home. 

I get to go for walkies and bike rides and park visits and pet stores again. Yay! I'll have more information on him (and a name soon). 

Happy Monday everyone!!


  1. congratulations! what a wonderful way to go into next year!

  2. Good for you! That doggy looks so cute <3

  3. That's a wonderfull update and that dog tops it all!

  4. You lucky girl! I really miss having a dog since my Toby died. Someday!

  5. Congratulations on eveyrthing, and especially your new pal! He's adorable, and looks like a real sweetie!

  6. He is beautiful! What a great addition to your life. Every time I am depressed about being out of work I think about the fact that you got a good job, and it gives me a bit of hope.

  7. Congratulations! It's so very nice to hear of someone having a good year. Don't know who looks happier, you or your dog!

  8. Thank you all for the well wishes.
    Foodycat, I know exactly how you feel. I was out of full time work for over two years. I don't know what to say, if there is anything that can be said other than the time made me much stronger.

    Jane, my good year did not start until late September. But I do hope to have a good 2012. I hope it's a better year for everyone!!

  9. Congrats on the doggie!!! So cute!!

  10. Congratulations and well done at acheiving your goals. Your determinaton is an ispiration.

  11. So happy for you Shelley! You've worked so hard for your success and you certainly deserve it. What is your new puppy's name?

  12. What a wonderful year end post! It makes me smile to see all the great things that have happened for you, and in such a short time :)

  13. So pleased for you. You've worked hard for it. And how nice to see a doggie for a change! The sewing world needs more dogs, to offset all those cats out there...

  14. ooh, question!

    how do you get your fabric flowers to curl so well? I bought the pattern months ago but am just now finally getting around to trying them out. and the big roses are driving me nuts- i just can't get that sharp curl you have! maybe i'm not using enough glue? i thought I was using the same ratio you described, but maybe not as thick as you did?

  15. Your glue mix might not be thick enough. When my fabric is dry, it behaves like paper. I use a thick nail to curl and I squish and curl at the same time. It takes a bit of time (like 30 seconds to one minute per leaf) to mold a good curl, but it looks great.

  16. He's super cute and congratulations on meeting so many of your goals.


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