The dyeing was a success!

Here is the re-dye of the botched RIT sweater from the other day. The outcome is really more orange than this salmon color pictured, but you get the idea.

When dye dies.

No, it's not a neon colored beer, though that would be wicked. 

This weeeeeekend!

Whew! *cough*
That pretty much sums up my weekend. 
This drawing got me the job! Thanks, The Lady!

Catalog Sunday

This Sunday I have a historical treat. While I was scouring eBay a few weeks ago, I came across this wig book. It's a book for black wigs, a very rare item to find indeed! Beauty and fashion products were advertised to black people but because of the small circulation, they are very hard to find. This one is most likely from the 1900s to the late teens, and I was the only bidder, yay!

The wigs are fascinating to read through. I love the descriptions of the hair. A lot of them use 'creole' hair, which is just bi-racial hair, but the buns, wigs, and extensions have fascinating descriptions to read. I'll post the entire book over a few Catalog Sundays from now 'till the end of the year :)


Du Barry 5767 progress

 Hello one and all!
I hope your week is going swimmingly. Mine is! I have a job interview this afternoon and I'm unusually calm. I'm kick ass at interviews, so I'm not worried about that, but good impressions are everything and if I make one, I'll start tomorrow! Squeeee!!!

But onto sewing stuff. 

And the winner is....


Congratulations! Send me an email and I'll post your pattern out to you shortly.
Thank you to everyone who entered the pattern giveaway. Have a great day!!

The Giveaway pot luck post!

Hi everyone. Again, thanks for all the words and emails on my personal posts this past week. I'm glad you all are there to help a gal out from time to time :)

I want to say thanks by offering up a giveaway!
I'm going to offer up this button front pattern again. It was unclaimed a few months ago, and I think it's perfect for the PPP if you haven't picked a pattern yet.
This princess seamed patten is unprinted and in its factory folds. It's a 40 bust and from the early 1940s.

More personal stuff.

Thanks for all the great words of encouragement last week on my Just Another Fat Girl post. I think that post had the most replies (to the post and via email) ever! It felt good to know that even when I feel small and mis-represented to the rest of the world, I have other people to connect with on the blog and beyond.

Just a follow up to that situation. I had my follow up appointment yesterday. Different doctor. A much better doctor. She actually listened to me and we talked about my lifestyle. Her eyes practically bugged out of her head when I told her I eat about a pound of leafy greens a day. She looked over my blood work and it was good. No chance of diabetes, or high cholesterol (in fact she said my cholesterol was fantastic). That made me feel good. My blood pressure is still a little high. It was down from last week, but a week by week go isn't the best gauge of status, so she put me on some meds for it. Nothing too serious.

Quantity or Craftsmanship? How do you sew?

 When I first started sewing I was all about how many of 'X' I could make in the shortest time. Screw the button holes. Who cares if they are not straight. So what if the left sleeve is a bit tight compared to the right sleeve? People give me tons of compliments on my clothes. That's all that matters. Yeah, I had an ego about it.

Catalog Sunday

This Sunday I have pages from a Butterick magazine. I'm not too sure of the date, only because I don't have all the pages, but I''d say this is from about 1938/39.

Just another fat girl.

I finally went to the doctor the other day. It was a strange visit. The clinic was full of people and I waited for a while. I didn't mind, I do enjoy people watching. The staff was quite busy, and extremely professional and courteous, which made the time go by, but still I arrived at the end of Shrek, had my initial check in through most of Pursuit of Happiness, and was called into the doctor at the start of Food Inc. Strange movie progression, isn't it?

The two Du Barrys

It's been very hot out, and I've not wanted to go anywhere or do much, but I feel I need to be productive in order to keep my sanity. 

Since I've made two of the three dresses from the sew-along, and I still have bra burn out, and I don't want to shlep all the way to the hot fabric district to get some slip fabrics, I'm going to do some mock ups.

I've been wanting to take a crack at these two patterns for months. I've always said that 40s Du Barrys are generally bland, but these two I thought were just the bees knees.

Since the skirts are pretty much the same, I'm going to use the skirt on my PPP dress because I love the fit. I love the bodice pieces on these two. They are just so unusual, and even though I love the plain in patterns, the unusual that can be made up ten ways to Sunday is a good find too.

So far I've copied the pieces of the pieces for 5767. I'm planning on grading them today and seeing if I can put together the mock up too. Should not be that hard, so we will see how the heat plays.

What else is everyone working on?

New Pattern Day!

Gooooood Morning/Monday everyone! 
I thought I would kick off the early-ness of September with a new reproduction pattern.

I'm calling this one My First 1930s Dress.
This is a simple clean style that can be made up tons of different ways. The shirtwaist dress has a lovely asymmetrical bodice that can have optional ruffles. 

Catalog Sunday

YEAH! I'm back, baby. Thank you new scanner! 
This Sunday I have fresh and colorful scans from my Spiegel catalog, spring/summer 1943.

PPP #2: Vintage flower seersucker

I really like how this one turned out. 
The good hair day might also attribute to my happiness.
The only changes I made were taking in the shoulder points about an inch, bringing in the neckline, and shortening the bodice about 1/2". I wish I had this bodice fit on the first one, but the first one is still pretty swell. I'm wearing this to a swing dance next weekend. Light, cool and breezy. The dress is practically weightless.
More pictures on NVL.

September is gonna be different!

Happy new month everyone!

Last month was probably my worst in a long time. I'm glad it's over.
I've got a slew of things already happening. My new scanner should be here TODAY, and I'm super excited! Two weeks with no scanner has been crap. I never knew how much I used it and how vital it was to a lot of my work. Some things just ground to a halt. I have a doctor's appointment next week. I still have my throat congestion, so I'm glad to get it looked at.

I also have about three leads on some freelance, long term freelance. I don't know how it will all play out, but I'm going to stay positive about it.

Through all the stress of last month, I did manage to get started on my #2 of the PPP. I'm using some vintage flower seersucker that I bought from Playclothes. I had to do a lot of piecing, including a panel of the skirt.

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