This weeeeeekend!

Whew! *cough*
That pretty much sums up my weekend. 
This drawing got me the job! Thanks, The Lady!
Yes! I did get a job. It was a freelance gig that may turn into something long term and full time. I have to see what happens later this week. Four days of work done in two and a fifth! In celebration I treated myself to a great vegan dinner at a place up the street from me. Mmm!

While I was working on the job, I caught a cold! I was drawing and coughing. I am so sick of lemon juice and orange juice right now, you don't even know! Despite all of that, everything went swimmingly. They were very, very pleased with my work and said I was very professional. That was totally nice.

While I was out for the interview on Friday, I saw a JoAnn fabrics. I had not been in one for years so I decided to pop in. I was astonishingly underwhelmed. I don't think I'll ever go back. I know I am totally spoiled by the fabric district here, so yeah, there is that. But, the fabric there was just so homogenized. I had hoped for more than quilting cotton and upholstery fabrics. 

I did get some filling for some dolls I'm going to be making, and I also bought this lovely cotton. I think the gray background of this calico makes it feel quite 30s. It's a very light cotton, so I'll have to see how it is after I wash it. 

Also, last night, I decided to take a crack at dying my new cardie. 

I wanted a very pale yellow, like this tester paper. I'm not too sure I got that, and I think because I used a diluted wash, that there are streaks. 

Right now it's drying, so after that I'll see how it really came out. I'm trying to stay hopeful. If not, then I'll dye it again.

So that was my weekend. Work, fabric, orange juice, and dying.
What did you all do?
Happy Monday!!


  1. Congratulations! I mostly worked but I did get to go shopping with my best friend and then closed Othello on Sunday.

  2. Sounds lovely. Joanns, Hobby Lobby, and WalMart are all that's in my area, so I'm afraid I'm stuck with what I can get.

    Me, well, this weekend, I bought the lining for Baby Bit's winter coat and worked out how to make an infant-sized Halloween costume for her that matches the one I'm making for her older sister. LB wants to be a "nice pumpkin, not a scary one, and with big teeth and fangs" and insists that her sister has to match. And I was asked to make it, since vampire pumpkin costumes aren't exactly sold in stores!

  3. Congratulations! I hope you're feeling better. You're not the only one under-enthused with JoAnn's - there's nothing there for me anymore either.

    I hope the gig goes full-time!

  4. Congrats! & I hope the new gig ends up long-term :)

    I had a similar experiences going into the big JoAnn ETC here (not having been in a year or so) and finding it smaller and almost no apparel cloth. How disappointing. When I'm not sewing from my stash I can sometimes find something at Hancock or else I have to try to look online as we have no 'garment district' here.

    I hope your cardigan turns out the right color - dyeing fabric always makes me a bit nervous. Feel better soon!

  5. Yeah, Joanns is consistently uninspiring now and I just go in for emergency notions or staples like lining if they're on sale. First they basically chased out all the independent stores in the area, and then they let us down with their poor selection. I would like to blame them for my online fabric shopping addiction, but I suppose that's really all me.

    I am on a dying kick (that does sound odd). As I go through the stash to discard and donate, I also look for things that might be improved with color. Some combos are disastrous (Royal Blue over natural linen = yuck) and other things are a nice surprise (Evening Blue over taupe floral print = wow!). I've had mostly good luck with the washing machine and mostly bad luck with sink and stovetop dying. But the main thing is they are never quite what I expect. I think your cardigan will be lovely, even if it's not the exact color you wanted.
    And congrats on the job!

  6. Congratulations on the job! Get well soon. It was nice to read some good news. Lucky you that you have a fabric district nearby! I miss living in Toronto just for the fabric finds out there. None of that here on the prairies. ~sigh~

  7. Aww..I was hoping by Whew! *cough* you meant you got to smooth someone you've been eyeing... where is my mind today?? LOL

    Congrats on the job! Your drawing is really cool, I didn't know you did that at first..awesome!!

    JoAnns hasn't really been my cup of tea..I never noticed any really fun stuff in there - you're so right, the fabric district is where it's at. I gotta get back into my attempt at sewing one day.

    I partied with artsy folk and did the art walk and beyond that, just rested and had fun with the missus. It was perfect!

  8. Thanks everyone! It looks like I might get the job full time. I'm waiting on a phone call offer which I'm supposed to be getting this evening. Eeep!

  9. I totally meant smooch* I dunno where smooth came from lol..

  10. Congratulations on the job! Your artwork is fantastic!


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