Burlap Bag Progress and a Giveaway!

Hi everyone.
I've made progress with my bag. It took a day and some change to ziz zag the burlap to the twill for stabilization. 

I did indeed use the clear thread and it worked out fantastically. I believe I will be cutting out and constructing the bag and the lining later today.

Hey, there is no thread on top! Thanks clear thread!

I also put in this little note so if anyone opens this bag way in the future, I hope they will get a kick out of this note.

I'd also like to offer a new giveaway.

For some reason the last giveaway was never claimed, so I consider it forfeit now. I'll re-giveaway that one later on. I thought it was time I offered up one of my reproductions as a giveaway. I love this pattern and think whoever wins it will have a blast.

You don't have to follow my blog, though it would be nice. To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is add your entry to this post. You have until midnight (my time) July 12th. Be prompt, I check time stamps. I'll announce the winner on July 13th.

Yay sewing!


  1. Cute bag!
    And Yahay - I'm in for the give away! Thanks for having it!

  2. What are you planning on doing for the bottom of the bag? Just a straight seam or some type of flat bottom?
    Great give away.

  3. I've done something similar recently with a pair of kids' overalls---I backed quilter's cotton in twill so that it would be a little tougher for my three-year-old nephew. If you just sew around the perimeter of each piece, you can then just treat it like one piece of fabric.

  4. I've recently done a few fabric flowers and love them but would like to take the flowers up a notch! Thank you for the chance to win! I love following your blog too!

  5. I echo the sentiment...YAY sewing! WANT pretty flowers for fedoras and such :)

    Anna P.

  6. I do follow your blog. Thanks so much for all the excellent fitting info.

  7. i love the flowers - i tried some felt ones and they were total fail. and i follow your blog, yay!

  8. Your fabric flower patterns are just lovely. As for the burlap bag ( smashing idea ! ) I can't wait to see the outcome :)

  9. Oh, those flowers are lovely! Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Hey, those flowers are right up my alley! Thanks for the giveaway!

    Steph @ Tart Deco
    tartdeco at gmail dot com

  11. those are gorgeous flowers perfect for a cute 20's teddie bare or flapper day dress.

  12. I've always looked at those coffee bags and wondered what to make with them, what a great idea.
    Please enter me into your flower corsage giveaway.

  13. What a cute idea, to put a note in your bag! Your flower pattern is awesome. I would be honored to have it.

  14. Those are very beautiful flowers, could I please enter your giveaway. Many thanks Vala,

  15. What a lovely pattern! And how kind you are to give it away! I would dearly love to win.


  16. Please please please pretty flowers!!

    I love the prints that you can find on coffee bags! Hope your bag turns out amazing!

  17. the flowers are fantastic! I make flowers out of discarded antique books, but i would love to experiment with fabric ones... i just make up my paper ones; a pattern would be great!

    lunamothra @ gmail.com

  18. I lust over your reproduction patterns on Etsy, and I'd love that flower pattern.

  19. Great bag, and i like your note for the future.

  20. Ooh those flowers would be great for adding to my hats!

  21. Love the flowers. Please enter me in the draw!

  22. Lovely flowers pattern. I am making a dress to go to a wedding later in the year and these would be a great addition.

  23. Such a lovely giveaway, sign me up please! I'd love to be able to make some of these flowers. :]

  24. Please enter me! I think they are perfectly charming :]

  25. Thanks to those who entered. Ill let you all know tomorrow the winner! :D

  26. Yay!! count me in if I am not too late!!

  27. Hi Shelley,
    I'm so excited to have found your blog today. I love vintage patterns, too, though I usually make baby or children's clothing from them. I look forward to reading through your posts. Your patterns are wonderful! Thanks for the inspiration!

  28. Please enter me in the drawing. I've been lusting after that pattern since you first made them!

  29. Great giveaway. Thanks for including me.

  30. I'm in! I love all your patterns but especially love what could be done with this pattern!

  31. I'll enter! I already follow you though.


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