Crammed Schedule

Good morning everyone! It's Friday and you know what that means!? THE WEEKEND!! A nice restbit from a hectic week.

I know I always mention to you how busy I am. I don't do it to seem like a Super Woman, but I am known for cramming in as much as I can into 'free time' or 'down time'. Why? I just don't like to waste time. I'm always day dreaming or thinking of stories or planning things or whatever, so my days are always filled. Actual activity as I'm getting ready for, well, actual activity, I also like to plan.

I don't mean plan as in write down calendar wise or anything that extreme. 
More of a map of the day, generally planned in 15 min increments, 
noted in my head for the most part.

My day starts in the morning, 6:00AM. Depending on how much I pushed myself last night, I will have either take a shower that night or I'll do it this morning.  I don't leave the house until 7:50AM, but I like the extra decompression time when I wake up. I generally fill this time with odd projects if I can manage it.

Right now I'm working on the red jeans. They are coming along.

Those boxes are my actual Etsy store.
If I have any Etsy purchases to get together, I tend to pack them in the morning and leave 10 min early to walk to the post office down the street from me. It's very convenient.

Sometime's as I'm waiting for coffee, I'll do a bit of straightening or drawing or something like that. I rarely surf the net in the morning (I can do that all day at work), and I use my morning minutes for more personal stuff.

Once I use up my time, I leave the house and walk to the bus stop about 1/3 a mile from my apartment. I've timed it at a leisurely 6 min walk, but I like a buffer of 5 min or so in case the bus is early.
I get to work by 8:35AM and leave at 5PM.

I get home by about 5:45PM and that's when I walk into the house and see what the cat messed up.

Because my time is very limited and I like to minimize the amount of time I'm away from my apartment, I tend to shop online for a lot of stuff. I'll often find packages by my door of necessities (sans groceries). Oh, my issue of Dwell came (LOVE that mag)! I also got some cloth wire for the fan (behind the pile of junk mail and receipts), and the $25 pair of dance shoes I ordered on Amazon came. They fit nice. I might get another pair or two and dye them ;)

This is the time of day where my time is a crunch. Depending on the night I can have tons of things going on. Right now three of the days during the week I take dance classes. So in order to get there on time, I leave the house by 6:45PM. The classes start at 8PM and can be one or two hours.

That gives me enough time from getting home from work to bring the mail in, grab a snack, pet the cat and off I go. I arrive at the studio after walking over half a mile to the train, then walking a little over 1 mile to the studio. So on a studio dance day, I can walk over 4 miles during the day on top of the dancing. :)

I tend to get home about 10:30PM and then I'll have a bit of dinner. After that, if I'm up to it, I'll watch some news and then I may work on a sewing project or two. I generally do that while I'm watching the news. It's a great time for hand sewing.

Right now I'm working on two wrap dresses. All hand sewing finished!
By now it's midnight and that's generally my go to bed time. 6 hours of sleep and I'm completely rested. More I'm tired, less I'm tired. Then at six it starts again! 

Some of my friends think this is a crazy schedule, but I feel fine doing it. I'm not tired or burned out, I consider it just living life. Often on the weekends, though, I don't want to go anywhere. I like to catch up on tv shoes online or I'll block out a chunk of time catching up on freelance or working on sewing. I guess that's my other job.

In-between all that during the week, on the no dance night(s) I'll go to the grocery and that can eat up a few of the hours in my afternoon. I find I count my off hours from work rather preciously. I even get irritated if I don't maximize a trip out, because I hate taking the time to get there. Even if its a 10 minute walk to the grocery from my house. Because of all this mental planning, I do make actual lists on my phone especially for groceries so I don't forget anything.

Take today for instance. I'm low on coffee, so I'm going to make a stop at Trader Joe's before I go home this evening. That way I don't waste weekend time going out and doing it on Saturday.

I'm all about that! 

SO how about you? 
Do you all plan your schedules too? 
Are they successful?

Have a great Friday!


  1. Great post. It's always nice to hear about having a real life on top of the sewing.

    My life is scheduled pretty heavily too. Mon-Fri I work from 9am-6pm, and on Mon I have martial arts from 7:30-9. On Thurs I have martial arts from 6:30-9:30. Everything else in between is either errands, social life, or sewing.

  2. Those shoes are very cute! What brand are they?

    I think a lot of us readers can related to having a totally overwhelming schedule. I work 40 hours a week as a receptionist/executive assistant (to 5 execs)/purchasing assistant... and I run a non-profit dog rescue in what I jokingly refer to as my "spare" time.

  3. Lady you are cramming a lot of life into that schedule. I am not a scheduler per say but I do think if you want to get things done it helps to have a plan. I am looking at that in the next few weeks as I will be starting work (teacher and summer break is over). I want to get more exercise, continue learning to play the ukulele, sew and knit. As well as taking care of my kids, keeping my house clean etc... I am already making plans to exercise between work and picking up my son from preschool, then going home making dinner, practicing ukulele, then when kids go to bed sew or knit. phew and that is all if I don't have to bring home a ton of grading or do any big planning for the next day at work. YIKES I am making myself tired already. You are marvelous to do so much it can be exhausting to have a rich life!!!

  4. My schedule sounds pretty similar to yours in that it's completely packed and my friends all think I'm nuts (while marveling about how much I'm able to get done in a day!) I do plan it out and make lists of things "to do" or else I will forget. For a gal that has a pretty good memory of the past, I tend to forget day to day things if I don't write them down. I craft daily. I cook most food from scratch so I spend a lot of time in the kitchen as well. My family and I are currently looking into buying a small hobby farm so I'm going to add farm and garden chores into the mix soon. I just love to be busy!

  5. If you can survive that schedule, more power to you. It sounds like you have very little relaxing time. I could handle the dance class once a week but not going out like that three nights a week. I need my down time.


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