Some of my Camp Hollywood wardrobe

Good morning everyone.

I've been in my head lately. Well, I'm always in my head, but I tend to over think on everything. I'd equate it to some sort of calculative deductive reasoning, but I'm not that inquisitive, or even that motivated.

*What I'm wearing to work today*

I did, however, finally get around to finishing up some of my final Camp Hollywood garments and I'm wearing them to work today, as seen above.

What I made I based off this wrap dress pattern. My size is transitioning, and rather than just make a fixed sized garment, I'm making a series of wrap tops and bottoms and dresses to accommodate my stylishly.

That X above is the center front of the wrap of the blouse I made from the dress pattern. The dress says you are supposed to cut the front down as opposed to the side that wraps over it. I'm finding that isn't allowing for much 'firm' pull, so I'm leaving both front bodice pieces long to criss cross around my front.

The back of the blouse drops in front with the shoulder line (that line above the seam) being one continuous piece. I actually like blouses that do this instead of a shoulder seam. Shoulder seams tend to creep back on me, no matter how much I adjust them, to where I am pulling my front down several times during the day. With a dropped shoulder yoke, I have more leeway with the fit.

This wrap skirt has a peplum. Normally I'm pretty against peplums, but this is being designed as an over blouse, and those need to extend to the hip, at least.

The mock up looks like scrubs, something I'm working on remedying.

This brown cotton polkadot number I crafted from one of my 30s drop waist gown patterns. I got a lot of compliments on this one when I wore it to Camp Hollywood.

Here is the polka dot blouse at the hotel.
Below are some random photos from the event. You can go to the Camp Hollywood site and see tons of images, too.

Then there is always the after hours party. 
This went on outside till 4 am the last night. It was so much fun.

I didn't get a lot of images, too busy trying to have fun and build up my dance cred. I hate to say, I ran into a lot of the same issues I was having on the social dance scene here. But I did meet and mingle a lot with some dancers that I didn't know.

One thing that really inspired me was the amateur classic Lindy awards. There was an actual stout gal, my size, who placed in the top five. THAT made me feel amazing. I know she probably had to go through a lot of the crap I do now (and although I did congratulate her, I didn't get to talk with her), I makes me want to keep trying, even though I know I'm trying harder than everyone else I know.

And that brings me to today. My instructor is starting a dance team and I really want to be on it. I should say, I want to be on the good team. Why? Because I want to push myself, I want to compete and earn some dance cred so I can stop being looked at as simply the fat gal who dances. I'm so sick of being looked at that way. And you know what's holding me up? I can't find a dance partner. Ha. I posted on FB, asked a lot of my peers (all taken) and even posted on Craigslist. Nothing. 

I keep telling my instructor no one wants to dance with me. And now that reality looks like its most likely going to cost me the one thing I really, REALLLY wanted to do when they announced the teams. It's kinda heartbraking. Nothing had been announced yet, but I've been talking and my prospects don't look good for being on the team. It makes me angry that I can't do something because I can't find anyone willing to do it with me.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. I love your wardrobe! Awesome projects.

  2. That wrap skirt looks great on you! Super cute!

  3. I really love that wrap skirt in your work-wear photo. Such a practical idea.

    Best of luck with finding a dance partner.

  4. cute, as always!

    and I really do hope that the dancing thing works out for you, I can see how much you like it and it blows you have to rely on someone else to "pick" you to keep doing it.

    Also, as a fellow lady of sturdy build and strong proportions, I recall you finding difficulty in getting 1920s style to look stylish... well, just today i was looking at a historic fashion tumblr, and there's a high-end couture dress style in the 20s called robe de style created by Jeanne Lanvin and the House of Lanvin. Interestingly, they look like they might be the inspiration for the later drop waist/full skirt of the 1930s that you look so adorable in.


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